6 Proven Ways to Make Your Hair Grow Faster, Naturally
Many people wish to have a full head of hair. Genes and certain illnesses can play a substantial role in how quickly your hair grows, becomes thicker, and changes color. According to Harvard Medical School experts, different factors can lead to hair loss. Androgenetic alopecia, otherwise known as hereditary pattern baldness, is the most common and is found in both men and women. Men may discover their hair falling out on the crown or receding from the front of the hairline. This can lead to partial or total boldness.
However, women will begin to notice the top of the head or crown beginning to thin out. In women, it does not often lead to total baldness. Furthermore, women are prone to losing hair during menopause; you can read more here. We have approximately 80,000 to 120,000 hair follicles when we are born and can’t produce anymore. Keep in mind that there isn’t a miracle cure that will cause hair to grow instantly. However, there are 6 proven ways to make your hair grow faster naturally.
1. Evaluate Your Protein
If you are not eating a balanced diet, you may notice that you are shedding more hair. According to The Independent Pharmacy, a 60kg adult would need to consume 50–60 grams of protein per day. Our hair, nails, and skin are mostly made up of a protein called keratin. Hair is generally made of this protein, and it contains extended chains of amino acids. It is natural to lose between 60 and 100 hairs per day. Eating protein-rich foods such as mackerel, herring, and salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 and may help support hair growth. Additionally, eggs, nuts, lean chicken, and lentils are also good sources of protein. Furthermore, there is the option of using a powder protein shake or a protein supplement.
2. Choose a Good Supplement
Sometimes we can lose our hair through stress or body imbalance. Choosing a good supplement can promote hair growth. Additionally, NUTRAHARMONY's biotin, collagen, keratin, and hyaluronic acid hair growth supplement is a popular choice.
According to Nicole W on Amazon’s review, “Hair has never been healthier. This past summer, I went thru something with my health, my body was under a lot of stress and was experiencing extreme hair loss. After going to my doctor and a specialist, they both assured me it would eventually stop but couldn’t predict how long it would continue. At this point, I’d lost over half the density and about 2-3 inches of length. The doctors wanted to see me back in 3 months, but I didn’t have that long, by then I was sure I was going to be bald. I was praying over my hair and a solution and came across these supplements on Amazon, which I started taking daily in addition to my women’s gummy multivitamin. The hair loss stopped in less than 2 weeks and after a month I could see my density improving. I’m getting my length back. Anyway, I’m on my second bottle but thought I would take a moment to share in case someone out there is also experiencing an abnormal amount of hair loss/thinning and has been looking for a solution. I highly recommend.”
3. Use Heat Styling Products With Care
When using different products such as hair dryers and curling or straightening irons, this can often cause hair damage and prevent it from growing as quickly as you would like. It is best not to use heat stylers every day. However, when you do, it should be used on a cool setting, and be sure to use a heat protection spritz first.
4. Exercising Regularly
According to Live Science hair transplant specialist, Dr. Yuksel mentions that regular exercise may play a positive role in growing your hair naturally. This being said, when you exercise, you increase your blood flow, and your hair follicles benefit from the extra oxygen in the blood cells. Exercising for at least 20 minutes per day is good for the whole body, and it also reduces stress. Stress can also cause the hair to thin.
5. Reduce Stress
When you stress and lose your hair, the body starts to change. During this time, the hair follicles go into a resting phase known as Telogen effluvium, pronounced (TEL-o-jun uh-FLOOE-vee-um). You may start to notice that your hair falls out when you are washing or combing it. Everyone experiences stress, and people handle it in different ways. However, to help relieve your stress, try some of the following activities: deep breathing exercises, getting enough sleep, spending time in nature, and laughing.
6. Scalp Massage
Tension and stress may cause hair loss. However, a study in 2019 showed that massaging the scalp improved people's scalp health, blood flow, and also improved hair growth. The dermal papilla cells are important in the growth cycle and regeneration of the hair. When stimulated, these cells can encourage thickness and growth. Furthermore, these cells are situated at the bottom of the hair follicle. When massaging the scalp, you should never use your fingernails but only the tips of your fingers, apply light pressure and move in tiny circles. This can be done daily for about 4-5 minutes. This option is relaxing and a great way to make your hair grow faster.