Words to Describe Feelings and Emotions
If you're at a loss for words to communicate how you're feeling, we've got over 600 words to describe them.
A Acceptance Accepting Accommodating Admiration Adoration Affection Afraid Aggravation Aggressive Aggrieved Agitated Agitation Agony Agreeable Alarm Alarmed Alienation Amazed Amazement Ambiguous Ambivalent Amused Amusement Anger Angry Anguish Annoyance Annoyed Antagonistic Anticipation Anxiety Anxious Apathetic Apprehension Apprehensive Arrogant Ashamed Assertive Assured Astonished Astonishment Astounded Attachment Attentive Attraction Awe Awful | B Bad Beleaguered Bereaved Bewildered Bewitched Bitterness Blase Bliss Blue Bold Bored Boredom Bothered Brave | C Calculating Calm Capable Capricious Careful Caring Casual Cautious Certain Charged Charmed Charming Cheerful Cheery Chipper Churlish Closeness Clumsy Collected Combative Comfortable Compassionate Competitive Complacent Compliant Composed Compulsive Conceited Concerned Condemned Confident Conflicted Confused Conscientious Conservative Considerate Conspicuous Contempt Contemptible Content Contentment Convivial Cool Cooperative Courageous Covetous Crabby Crazed Crazy Creative Creepy Critical Cross Cruel Curious Cynical | D Dangerous Dazzled Debilitated Defeated Defensive Defiance Defiant Dejected Delighted Delightful Demeaned Dependence Depressed Desire Destructive Determined Devious Devoted Dictatorial Diffident Disappointed Disappointment Disapproval Discontent Disdainful Disenchanted Disgust Disgusted Disillusioned Disinterested Dislike Dismay Displeasure Dissatisfied Distracted Distraction Distraught Distress Distressed Disturbed Diverse Dizzy Dominant Downcast Dread Dull | E Eager Earnest Easy-Going Ecstasy Ecstatic Edgy Elated Elation Embarrassed Embarrassment Emotion Emotional Empathetic Enamored Enchanted Enchanting Encouraging Energetic Enjoyment Enraged Enraptured Enthralled Enthusiasm Enthusiastic Envious Envy Equanimity Euphoria Euphoric Evil Exasperation Excited Exhausted Expectant Explosive Extroverted Exuberant |
F Fair Faithful Fantastic Fascinated Fatalistic Fear Fearful Ferocious Ferocity Fierce Fine Flabbergasted Flexible Flipped-Out Flummoxed Flustered Focused Fondness Foolish Forgiving Forlorn Fortunate Frantic Friendly Fright Frightened Frustrated Frustration Funny Furious Furtive Fury | G Generous Gentle Glad Gleeful Gloating Gloomy Glorious Glum Good Grateful Greedy Grief Grieving Grim Grouchy Grumpy Guilt Guilty | H Happiness Happy Harassed Harried Healthy Helpful Helpless Heroic Hesitant Hilarious Homesick Hopeful Hopeless Horror Hostile Hostility Humble Humiliation Humorous Hungry Hurt Hysteria Hysterical | I Idealistic Ignorant Ill Ill-Tempered Impartial Impolite Imprudent Indifferent Indignant Infatuated Infuriated Insecurity Insensitive Insightful Inspired Insulted Intense Interested Intimidated Intolerant Introverted Irascible Irritation Isolation Itchy J Jaded Jealous Jittery Jolliness Jolly Jovial Joviality Joy Joyful Joyous Jubilant Jubilation Jumpy | K Keen Kind Kindhearted Kindly L Lackadaisical Languid Lazy Liberal Like Liking Lively Livid Loathing Loneliness Lonely Longing Love Lovely Loving Loyal Lucky Lulled Lust |
M Mad Magical Magnificent Malevolent Malicious Melancholy Merry Misery Modesty Mortification Morose Motivated Mysterious | N Nasty Naughty Neediness Needy Negative Neglected Nervous Nervy Nice Nutty | O Obedient Obnoxious Obstinate Open Opinionated Optimism Ornery Outgoing Outrage Outrageous | P Panic Panicky Passion Passionate Passive Patient Peaceful Pensive Perfect Perky Perturbed Pessimism Petrified Petulant Pity Placid Pleasant Pleased Powerful Precocious Prejudicial Prepared Pride Prideful Proud Pushy | Q Quarrelsome Queasy Querulous Quick-Witted Quiet Quirky Quivering R Rage Rancorous Rapture Rational Raucous Ready Reasonable Reckless Reflective Rejection Relaxed Relief Relieved Reluctant Remorse Remorseful Repentance Repugnant Repulsive Resentment Resigned Resilient Resolute Resourceful Respectful Responsible Responsive Restless Restorative Reverent Revulsion Roused Rude Ruthless |
S Sad Sadness Safe Sarcastic Sardonic Satisfaction Scared Scary Scorn Scornful Seething Self-Assured Self-Congratulatory Selfish Self-Satisfied Sensible Sensitive Sentimentality Serene Serenity Shaky Shame Shivering Shock Shocked Sickly Silly Simple Sleepy Smiling Smug Sober Solemn Somber Soothed Soothing Sore Sorrow Sorry Sour Speechless Spellbound Spite Splendid Spooked Stern Stingy Stoical Stressed Stunned Subdued Submission Successful Suffering Sullen Superior Supportive Surly Surprise Surprised Suspicious Sweet Sympathetic Sympathy | T Tactful Tenacious Tenderness Tense Terrible Terrific Terror Testy Thankful Thoughtful Thoughtless Threatening Thrill Timidity Timorous Tired Tolerant Torment Tranquil Treacherous Trembling Triumphant Troubled Trust Truthful | U Ultimate Uncivil Uncomfortable Uncouth Uneasy Unethical Unfair Unhappiness Unhappy Uninspired Unique Unmannerly Unnerved Unrefined Unruffled Unsavory Unworthy Uplifting Upset Uptight V Vain Vanity Venal Vengeful Versatile Vexed Vicious Victorious Vigilance Vigilant Vigorous Vile Villainous Virtuous Vivacious Volatile Vulnerable | W Warm Waspish Watchfulness Weak Weariness Weary Welcoming Wicked Wild Willing Wise Wishful Wishy-Washy Wistful Witty Woe Woeful Wonder Wonderful Worried Worrying Worthy Wrathful Y Youthful Z Zany Zeal Zealous Zest |
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Anke Van Wyk / dreamstime.