

Christmas / Holidays


Winter Warmth Gift Basket

Winter Warmth Gift Basket

Winter Warmth Gift Basket

Winter Warmth Gift Basket

Fill a white basket with the following:

*Homemade Peppermint Cocoa Mix


3 (4 1/2-inch) peppermint sticks
1 cup powdered sugar
1 cup powdered non-dairy creamer
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa

Measure all ingredients into a blender, grind until powdery and well blended.
Vacuum seal mix or store covered.
Per Mug: 1/4 cup mix, boiling water to fill.

*Trendy hot chocolate mix
*Fun mug
*Nice pens
*Fuzzy socks
*Warm blanket

Tip: Stores like TJ Maxx, Ross's, and Home Goods have great deals on baskets and miscellaneous items you can purchase for a lower price but not lower quality. They're great for when you're shopping for gift basket items and not specific items.

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