This is a common question that many new parents have as they watch their little ones grow and develop: When should my baby roll over? Rolling over is a crucial stage in a baby’s physical development and happens at around the 4-month mark. However, it can be difficult to predict when exactly your baby will start rolling over, especially when there are no signs. The following are some basic guidelines on what rolling over entails, when you should expect your baby to roll over, and what you can do to help him get started!
Key Points of Babies Rolling Over
- Rolling over is an important milestone in a baby's development, typically occurring around 4 months old.
- It requires strong muscles, coordination, and an understanding of cause and effect.
- Rolling over helps babies develop gross motor skills, use their arms and legs to move around, and explore their environment.
- Signs that a baby is about to start rolling over include increased strength and core muscles, developing leg strength, increased mobility, becoming curious, “digging” into objects, and practice.
- Parents can help their babies roll over safely and confidently by providing plenty of tummy time, support, making it fun, keeping it safe, using cues, and being patient.
- If a baby takes too long to roll over, it could be due to reasons such as lack of muscular strength, unfamiliar surfaces, incorrect positioning, or fear of rolling over.
What is Rolling Over?
Rolling over is when a baby turns from lying on its back to lying on its stomach or vice versa. It usually happens between 4 and 6 months, but some babies may start rolling over as early as 2 or 3 months. Rolling over is a critical milestone in developing gross motor skills for babies, helping them learn how to use their arms and legs to move around and explore their environment.
It's also a physically demanding activity since it helps babies build strength in their core muscles as they develop. Rolling over also encourages them to interact with their environment and use the items around for assistance, such as furniture or toys.
Furthermore, rolling over gives babies greater independence and control over their movements and helps them learn to express themselves better.
What's the Timeline of When Babies Start Rolling Over?
At 4 months old, babies are just starting to become more mobile. Rolling over is an essential milestone in their development. Additionally, rolling over is an important step before crawling and walking. This movement requires strong muscles and coordination as well as the ability to understand cause and effect — if they roll a certain way, they will be able to move away from or towards something.

Signs Your Baby Is About to Start Rolling Over
Every parent looks forward to the day their little one flips like a pancake from their back onto their stomach or vice versa! While some babies may learn this skill as early as 2 months of age, it usually takes 4 or 5 months to master it. Fear not, every baby is different so it's best to practice patience. Here are signs your baby is about to start rolling over:
- Increased Strength and Core Muscles: You may notice that your baby’s arms, legs, and chest are becoming stronger. This increased strength allows them to push off objects when attempting to roll over.
- Developing Leg Strength: Along with increased body strength, their leg muscles will develop. This is important for rolling over because it gives the baby the power to move and shift weight.
- Increased Mobility: As they become stronger, you’ll likely notice that your baby can move more freely. They may start to kick, flail their arms, and raise their head more easily. This increased mobility helps them to roll over.
- Becoming Curious: A baby is naturally curious from a very young age and loves to explore the world around them. As they get older, that curiosity increases and leads to an interest in rolling over. They will want to see what’s on the other side and explore different movements.
- Baby “Digging” into Objects: When your baby attempts to roll over, they will often dig their hands or feet into any available object to help them move. This could be a blanket, toy, or even your arm!
- Practice Makes Perfect: You will likely see your baby attempting to roll over multiple times daily. It might fail to work the first time, but that’s ok! Your little one is still learning and will eventually get it right.
How Can I Help My Baby Roll Over?
While we want our babies to develop at a normal rate, it's important to allow them to progress at their own pace. With that said, it's ok to help them along the way. There are a few things you can do to train your little one to roll over safely and confidently. Here are six tips:
- Provide plenty of tummy time: This is an integral part of development, as it encourages using their arms, neck, and core muscles. You can do this by laying your baby on a soft blanket or mat on the floor during supervised playtime.
- Provide support: Giving your baby something to hold onto, like a toy or a cloth book, can help them feel more secure as they practice rolling over. It also provides some added weight, which can help them learn to balance and move.
- Make it fun: Encourage your baby by making funny faces or noises and showing excitement whenever they roll over. This will make the activity more enjoyable and motivate them to keep practicing.
- Keep it safe: Always place your baby on a secure, flat surface and make sure that all their limbs are free to move. Never prop them up or restrain them when rolling over — this can be dangerous for your baby.
- Use cues: Talk to your baby during tummy time and use simple words or phrases like “Roll over” or “Ready, set, go!” This will help them connect the action with a command and make it easier to understand.
- Be patient: Learning this skill takes time, so don’t pressure your baby or get frustrated if they don’t roll over right away. With patience and lots of practice, your little one will learn to roll over in no time.

©Africa Studio/
Why Is My Baby Taking Too Long to Roll Over?
If your baby takes too long to roll over, it may cause you to become concerned. However, there are multiple reasons why your baby may not be progressing. If you have concerns about your baby's development or if they aren't reaching milestones as expected, it's important to consult your pediatrician. Here are some reasons why your baby might not be rolling over when they should:
- Muscular strength: Babies will naturally be stronger on one side as they learn to roll over. If your baby does not prefer rolling from one side to the other, it could be because their muscles are not yet strong enough.
- Unfamiliar surfaces: Babies may take longer to roll over if they are in an unfamiliar environment or lying down on an uncomfortable surface.
- Incorrect positioning: If your baby is not in the correct position, it can be difficult for them to roll over. Make sure that you place your baby on their back with arms and legs extended, as this will help them roll over more quickly.
- Fear of rolling over: Some babies may be scared to roll over for the first time, so making sure your baby feels safe and secure before attempting to roll over is vital.
- Low Mobility: Babies who are not very mobile might take longer to roll over than usual. This could be caused by a physical limitation or simply because they do not have the necessary coordination skills.
Foods to Help Your Baby Roll Over Faster
It can be challenging to encourage your baby to roll over. Because of this, parents often seek options to help the process go faster. Believe it or not, there are some foods that have been known to help accelerate the development of motor skills in babies. Here is a list of eight different foods to help your baby roll over faster:
- Avocados – Avocados are high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which can help boost finger and hand dexterity in babies and aid in developing their motor skills.
- Beans – Beans are high in fiber and provide protein, which helps babies develop strong muscles. They also contain zinc, which helps nerves send signals to the brain faster.
- Oatmeal – Oatmeal is high in iron and carbohydrates, both of which are necessary for developing motor skills in babies.
- Yogurt – Yogurt contains probiotics, which can help babies learn how to balance and roll over faster.
- Spinach – Spinach is rich in Vitamin E, which helps strengthen the muscles in your baby's arms and legs, making it easier for them to roll over.
- Sweet Potatoes – Sweet potatoes are full of Vitamin A, which helps babies' vision, as well as magnesium, which is essential for developing their muscles and bones.
- Bananas – Bananas are full of potassium, which helps with muscle control and coordination in babies.
- Eggs – Eggs are a great source of protein, choline, and Vitamin D. All three nutrients are essential for developing strong motor skills in babies.

The timing of when a baby should roll over can vary from one infant to the next. Generally speaking, babies usually start rolling over somewhere between 4 and 6 months old. However, some infants may begin earlier or later than this timeframe.
Don't panic if your baby fails to roll over at an ‘expected’ time. Bear in mind that all babies develop at varying levels and at their own pace. If you are concerned about your baby's development, speak to a healthcare provider for advice and guidance.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Alena Ozerova/