

Adventure & Celebrations


Valentine’s Day


Try These Awesome Valentine’s Day Activities

Pile of sweet candy hearts. Colorful treats.

Try These Awesome Valentine’s Day Activities

These are perfect Valentine's Day activities for two, the kids and you; or when each family member needs to feel the love.

Valentine’s Day is stereotypically a day set aside for lovers. This qualification usually brings to mind the tragically romantic tales of hero and maiden locked in a tender embrace while the sun drifts peacefully beyond the rim of earth kissing the night with color, all while enchanted music floats on the gentle breeze and chocolate enrobed strawberries await.

For most of us this picture would need to altered. First off the maiden will only admit to being thirty something and the hero is bald. The sun sets, but is viewed through a bug encrusted windshield if at all, while the three chocolate mouthed children bounce around the backseat denying in turn any knowledge of strawberries- chocolate covered or otherwise.

Valentine’s Day Activities

Valentine's Day with Kids

You can’t trade in the kids, so you need to get creative. There is a lot that can be done to share the Valentine’s Day love. Why can’t you include your kids in the yearly celebration of love? You don’t have to take them with you on your date.

One time honored Valentine's Day activity is to share gifts. This time, include a little something for your kids. This will make them feel special and safe guard your strawberries. Balloons and stuffed toys are great ideas (that are a dime a dozen this time of the year). The kids will feel special, included, and more importantly loved by you.

After lavishing the tots with gifts give them what they really want: time with you. Play games; get down on the floor and play Bakugan Battle or dress a Barbie for an hour or so. It will go a long, long way and speak volumes about how you feel for them.

Older children might have plans of their own on Valentine's Day. If one of your children is alone this Valentine's and is bummed about it, try to make it special for them. It's hard being single on Valentine's day, especially if everyone around them has someone special. Take them out for a special dinner or do something fun to get their mind off of the day at hand.

Valentine's Day for Two

The kids are gifted and cuddled, now it is time to turn your eyes to your spouse. When the sitter comes, explain now it is time for Mom and Dad to have a bit of Valentine’s Day alone time.

What happens after you bestow kisses and good-byes is up to you and your spouse. Just one thing to remember, it is not fair bringing ideas about what Valentine surprises should be unless you have made the effort to plan it yourself. More romantic evenings have ended in ruins because of imagined ‘supposed to be’s’.

What really matters is that you carve a bit of time out of a hectic schedule to just be with each other. The event doesn’t really matter. In fact the simpler the better, big plans can get in the way of conversation. Go for a walk along the river and toss rocks into the stream. Bring a Frisbee and play in the snow! Get hot cocoa and people watch at the mall. Think about what you did in years gone by that won his or her heart and recreate it again.

Remember that it's okay if you don't celebrate Valentine's, too. It isn't a crime! As long as you and your partner are giving each other love and compassion throughout the year, that's what really matters. Stay devoted to each other and frequently remind one another how much you mean to each other. If you're unable to celebrate Valentine's due to unforeseen circumstances, don't let it ruin your day. You can always celebrate it next year!

Valentine’s Day is about sharing the love within, so most importantly find a way to give it voice with a few easy Valentine's Day activities.

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