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Most Popular Baby Names by Year


Top 100 Baby Names for the 2000s

Top 100 Baby Names for the 2000s

Top 100 Baby Names for the 2000s
© Anna Hecker / Unsplash
Top 100 Baby Names for the 2000s

Top 100 Baby Names for the 2000s

The 2000s marked the advent of a new millennium in Western culture, bringing significant social, economic, and environmental changes. Many anthropologists and sociologists widely attribute these transformations to the growth and use of the Internet, which played a role in shaping global connections in this decade. Moreover, popular names from the 2000s reflect a desire for mainstream Western culture to remain at the helm.

2000s kids

The Rise of the Internet

Internet use greatly affected social behavior during the period. Global online activity grew from only five percent of the world's population in the year 2000 to nearly one-third of the world's population by the year 2009.

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The increased use of the internet meant that more people searched for information online, shopped online, and could communicate with people in different locations with greater ease. Widespread adoption social media sites like Facebook in 2004 or email tools like Gmail in 2005 sharply altered the way people interacted online and presented themselves to others.

The Impact of Social and Economic Changes

This decade also underwent social upheaval, including the devastating tragedy of September 11, 2001, the War on Afghanistan and Iraq in 2003, the Indonesian tsunami of 2004, and Hurricane Katrina of 2005. In addition, economic changes such as the Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 changed the way many viewed home mortgages and banking while quickly ushering millennials into adulthood.

The most popular 2000s names reflecting these changes while showing reverence for the most celebrated notions of the past. For example, the names tended to look great in text (reflecting a new internet era) while remaining representative of some of the most important cultural icons of the previous decades and centuries.

Top 100 Baby Names for the 2000s
  1. Emily
  2. Madison
  3. Emma
  4. Hannah
  5. Abigail
  6. Olivia
  7. Ashley
  8. Samantha
  9. Alexis
  10. Sarah
  11. Elizabeth
  12. Isabella
  13. Alyssa
  14. Grace
  15. Lauren
  16. Taylor
  17. Jessica
  18. Brianna
  19. Kayla
  20. Sophia
  21. Anna
  22. Natalie
  23. Victoria
  24. Chloe
  25. Sydney
  1. Jasmine
  2. Hailey
  3. Megan
  4. Rachel
  5. Morgan
  6. Julia
  7. Destiny
  8. Ava
  9. Jennifer
  10. Kaitlyn
  11. Mia
  12. Katherine
  13. Alexandra
  14. Haley
  15. Savannah
  16. Nicole
  17. Maria
  18. Allison
  19. Mackenzie
  20. Stephanie
  21. Brooke
  22. Amanda
  23. Ella
  24. Makayla
  25. Faith

Popular 2000s girl names include classic Anglo-Germanic names like Emily and Emma. Both names initially gained popularity in the English-speaking world in the 18th century, and the names remain common into the 21st century due to their classy connotations and attractiveness in print.

  1. Kaylee
  2. Jenna
  3. Andrea
  4. Katelyn
  5. Mary
  6. Jordan
  7. Gabrielle
  8. Rebecca
  9. Paige
  10. Madeline
  11. Kimberly
  12. Trinity
  13. Zoe
  14. Michelle
  15. Sara
  16. Lily
  17. Kylie
  18. Alexa
  19. Caroline
  20. Vanessa
  21. Amber
  22. Angelina
  23. Gabriella
  24. Lillian
  25. Riley
  1. Sierra
  2. Danielle
  3. Leah
  4. Jada
  5. Autumn
  6. Erin
  7. Maya
  8. Ariana
  9. Audrey
  10. Isabel
  11. Sofia
  12. Marissa
  13. Bailey
  14. Jacqueline
  15. Melissa
  16. Claire
  17. Evelyn
  18. Shelby
  19. Jocelyn
  20. Mariah
  21. Avery
  22. Leslie
  23. Melanie
  24. Arianna
  25. Aaliyah

Other common names include Madison, Hannah, and Abigail. Using "Madison" as a given feminine name first gained notoriety due to the movie Splash (1984), and millennials continued use of the name as they entered parenthood. At least three of the top 10 girl names are biblical in origin, reflecting the pervasiveness of the King James Bible in popular culture.

2000s kids
  1. Jacob
  2. Michael
  3. Joshua
  4. Matthew
  5. Andrew
  6. Christopher
  7. Daniel
  8. Joseph
  9. Ethan
  10. Nicholas
  11. William
  12. Anthony
  13. David
  14. Ryan
  15. Tyler
  16. Alexander
  17. John
  18. James
  19. Brandon
  20. Zachary
  21. Jonathan
  22. Dylan
  23. Christian
  24. Samuel
  25. Benjamin
  1. Nathan
  2. Justin
  3. Noah
  4. Logan
  5. Austin
  6. Jose
  7. Kevin
  8. Gabriel
  9. Robert
  10. Caleb
  11. Thomas
  12. Jordan
  13. Elijah
  14. Cameron
  15. Hunter
  16. Jack
  17. Jason
  18. Isaiah
  19. Luke
  20. Angel
  21. Kyle
  22. Connor
  23. Evan
  24. Aaron
  25. Isaac
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2000s kids

Popular 2000s boy names include originally biblical names like Jacob, Joshua, Michael, Matthew, and Andrew. These names show the impact of Anglo-Saxon Protestant religion on popular culture, and they are also easy to shorten into practical nicknames like "Jake," "Josh," "Mike," "Matt," or "Drew."

  1. Jackson
  2. Mason
  3. Juan
  4. Aidan
  5. Gavin
  6. Brian
  7. Eric
  8. Charles
  9. Luis
  10. Adam
  11. Sean
  12. Alex
  13. Nathaniel
  14. Bryan
  15. Carlos
  16. Ian
  17. Jesus
  18. Lucas
  19. Adrian
  20. Steven
  21. Cole
  22. Timothy
  23. Cody
  24. Jayden
  25. Aiden
  1. Julian
  2. Seth
  3. Owen
  4. Devin
  5. Chase
  6. Richard
  7. Diego
  8. Sebastian
  9. Jeremiah
  10. Blake
  11. Patrick
  12. Xavier
  13. Antonio
  14. Hayden
  15. Miguel
  16. Landon
  17. Dominic
  18. Jared
  19. Trevor
  20. Jesse
  21. Alejandro
  22. Carter
  23. Jaden
  24. Wyatt
  25. Carson

Other popular 2000s baby names include those traditionally associated with European aristocracy of the previous centuries (such as Nicholas or Christopher). Like other common names of the decade, these choices are attractive in full-length and easily shorten to nicknames like "Nick" and "Chris."

Top 100 Baby Names by Decade

How Has Popularity Shifted in 2023?

Fast forward to 2023, and while some of these names still maintain their popularity, they have experienced some shifts.

For instance, while Emily took the number one spot in 2000, Olivia is now topping the list. However, Emma rose in popularity from number 3 in 2000 to number 2 in 2023. As far as boy's names go, Jacob and Michael were the top 2 names in 2000. Now, Liam and Noah are topping the list.

Nonetheless, many of these names capture the attention of parents-to-be, maintaining their enduring popularity.

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