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9 Most Unhealthy Yogurt Brands – Avoid High Sugar and Calories

Composition with plastic cups with yogurt on grey table

9 Most Unhealthy Yogurt Brands – Avoid High Sugar and Calories

Yogurt is one of those healthy foods that not everybody likes, but a lot of people eat it, thinking it's a healthy choice. And often, it is a healthy choice. According to Medical News Today, it is rich in protein and calcium, with lots of vitamins and minerals. Plus, it is full of probiotics, which are great for keeping your tummy and gut microbes balanced. There is research linking poor gut health to a lot of other health issues. Unfortunately, many yogurt brands include a lot of sugar, turning the healthy snack into an unhealthy choice. So, how do you know how to find a healthy yogurt that isn't overly packed with sugar and chemicals? Well, start by reading labels and getting to know your yogurt. Luckily, we can help you with that because we have put together a list of some of the most unhealthy yogurt brands so you can make educated choices about what to stock in your refrigerator. 

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What Makes Yogurt Unhealthy?

Our list is focused on ingredients and serving size. If one of your favorite yogurts is on the list, you do not have to give it up completely. You should never feel like you have to give up something in order to be healthy, but you can decide whether you should limit it to special occasions or look for a substitute that still has the taste and texture you love. Eating healthy and taking care of yourself should be about adding positive things and not denying yourself. Sometimes, moderation and balance are the best ways to make sustainable improvements to our diets. 

1. Yoplait Whips!

happy woman eating yogurt

Yoplait yogurt is one of the oldest yogurt brands in the U.S. This French yogurt company started in 1965, came to the U.S. in 1974, and has been associated with a healthy lifestyle since it first hit the shelves. But Yoplait Whips! is actually more of a dessert than a yogurt, with 150 calories per serving. The small container has 55 milligrams of sodium and 22 grams of carbs, and with zero fiber and 19 grams of sugar, this yogurt won’t make for a filling breakfast or even a snack. It's better to skip the Yoplait Whips! for healthier breakfast options.

2. La Yogurt

You might not find La Yogurt at your local supermarket, but you will find it at the bodega or international market. This yogurt comes in many forms, from light and creamy to nonfat, and there are a lot of flavors to choose from, including some creative ones like pomegranate, lemon/raspberry, and blood orange. They even boast products called Sabor Latina or Latin flavors like dulce de leche, guava, mango, and papaya. But these little yogurts are hiding a little secret: lots of sugar. One standard serving has as much as 21 grams of sugar and 150 calories. But it is not just high in sugar; the sodium is more than you might want in a healthy yogurt, with 85 milligrams of sodium and 26 grams of carbs. The six grams of protein might keep you full for a short time, but the sugar high will burn off and leave you even hungrier than you were before you opened the yogurt.

3. Great Value

This is one of the Walmart brands of yogurt and is a pretty popular item. However, it makes the list of unhealthy yogurt brands because it is high in sugar. A serving size of one container or 170 grams has 130 calories and 22 grams of sugar. The small container has 80 milligrams of sodium and 26 carbs. So, if you are trying to eat yogurt as a healthy meal replacement, it has too much sugar and carbs to really do you any favors. 

4. Dannon

Fruit on the bottom yogurt, like Dannon yogurt cups, might seem like a great way to get more fruit into your diet, but it's not a great choice. The yogurt is filled with sugar and preservatives. The strawberry flavor has 21 grams of sugar and a mere 5 grams of protein. Plus, the small container has gelatin and food starch, making that healthy yogurt filled with other ingredients. You would be better off eating some fresh strawberries with a high-protein Greek yogurt for a better breakfast.

5. El Mexicano Saborico Yogurt Drink

If you prefer drinking your yogurt rather than using a spoon, you may have come across the El Mexicano Saborico Yogurt drink. This drinkable yogurt may seem like a great thing for a healthy breakfast on the go or a great afternoon snack before you hit the gym, but it is not as healthy as you may think. The container has 199 calories and 28 grams of sugar. It has 6 grams of fat, zero fiber, and 69 milligrams of sodium. The upside is it has 7 grams of protein, which is more than some of the other yogurt brands, but with zero fiber, it isn't going to keep you full, and you will probably end up hungry again.

6. The Greek Gods

Natural yogurt on the white wooden table top view

It is easy to be fooled by the yogurt with the strong name, The Greek Gods. It sounds like it's a yogurt that will help you improve your life, and eating it will turn you into a Greek God in human form. Alas, that is the power of marketing and a great name. Unfortunately, this yogurt does not live up to the hype. Yes, Greek yogurt is a better choice than others, but this yogurt doesn't compare nutritionally to other Greek yogurt brands. The brand is high in sugar, with 23 grams of sugar per container.  It is also high in sodium, with 105 milligrams of sodium and 7 grams of protein. If you really love the brand and the dream of becoming a Greek God, stick to the plain nonfat version, which has 100 calories, 12 grams of sugar, and a hefty 10 grams of protein, making it a much better choice.

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7. Silk

Plant-based products are here to stay. As more people choose to eliminate dairy from their diets, items like plant-based milk, yogurt, and other non-dairy products are hitting the shelves. Silk is a company focused on plant-based products with milk, yogurts, and creamers. They offer dairy-free yogurt made with either almond milk, soy milk, or coconut milk. But just because they are dairy-free and plant-based does not automatically make them healthy. Peach-flavored almond yogurt has 180 calories with 14 grams of sugar and a measly 5 grams of protein. The soy-based yogurt has 130 calories, 13 grams of sugar, and 6 grams of protein. While the Vanilla coconut yogurt has 190 calories and 9 grams of sugar with a hefty 10 grams of protein. Overall, plant-based yogurt is high in sugar, but coconut yogurt has a lot of protein, so it might be worth it.

8. Yo Crunch

Are you really surprised that YoCrunch made the list? The yogurt brand comes with candies and cookies on top for a crunchy texture and a sugary bite. It should be obvious that this yogurt is full of sugar. It is not a healthy breakfast option but rather a sugary snack. We love candy, and Yo Crunch brings candy and yogurt together with their Snickers, M&M, Oreo, Twix, and cookie dough options. Of course, it's good with a chocolatey crunch in every bite, but it is one of the most unhealthy yogurt brands on the market.

9. So Delicious

We hate to include the So Delicious yogurt alternatives on the list. We know it's challenging to find tasty vegan yogurt. And, to be honest, the company makes excellent vegan desserts, but their yogurt alternatives just aren't great. The main problem with their yogurt alternative is the lack of protein. Protein is one of the things that makes yogurt a healthy choice. But the coconut milk yogurt has zero protein and 17 grams of sugar. If you opt for one of their zero sugar added yogurts, you still get 4 grams of sugar, just no added sugar and at least one gram of protein, which honestly still isn't enough. 

When it comes to yogurt, there are a lot of choices on supermarket shelves, but you need to read labels because there are a few imposters that are just desserts disguised as yogurt. We hope our list of unhealthy yogurt brands helps you make the best yogurt choice for your lifestyle.

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