

Babies (0-12 mos)


Child Development


The Developmental Milestones at 2 Months of Age

The Developmental Milestones at 2 Months of Age

At 2 months of age, your baby is still very new, and Mom and Dad are likely very excited about the growth of their little bundle of joy. This is the period where tummy time is essential, and sleep will be more important than ever before. Let’s talk about your baby's developmental milestones at 2 months of age.

Key Points of a 2-Month-Old Development

  • Two months is an exciting time in both the parents and the child's development but all of this development will lead to rapid feeding. Take special attention to proper feeding.
  • They still be sleeping for most of their time but a set sleep schedule will take more shape.
  • Their senses will come more alive as they can move their heads, eyes, and hands more easily and with more control.
  • Development is a bit all over the place during this time but there are some key red flags to look out for. Consult with your doctor if your child is displaying any red flags in this article.

2-Month Feeding Expectations

baby drinking from bottle
At 2 months old, it is essential that you feed your baby whenever you see the hunger cues.

It will seem like your baby will eat non-stop during this second month of their life, and they will continue this trend and grow a lot over the next couple of months. Proper feeding is essential during this time. Breastfed babies will want to eat at least every three to four hours, but there may be more time before feedings if they are sleeping, which they will also do a lot at this age.

However, when your baby is awake, parents must be very aware of hunger cues and make it a habit to feed whenever they show signs of hunger. Typically, signs include when they smack their lips, root for the breast, or suck on their hands. At this age, mothers can expect to breastfeed between six to 10 times within a 24-hour day. 

As for formula-fed babies, you will typically see 2-month-old babies drinking about four to five ounces of formula every three to four hours. This of course will differ from child to child but if they are vastly under or over eating during this time you should consult your doctor.

2-Month Sleeping Expectations

sleeping two month old baby
At 2 months old, your baby will still likely wake up for nightly feedings.

Babies sleep a lot at 2 months of age, but they likely won’t sleep through the night just yet. Expect a baby at this age to sleep between 14 to 17 hours every 24 hours. Your child will also be a bit more predictable with their regular sleep-wake pattern, and they may start to take naps at similar times every day. 

Keep in mind that your baby is not yet ready for sleep training at this point. They will still need to be soothed to sleep. Still, you can lay them down first and see if they are able to fall asleep so you can get them used to the rhythm. 

This may cause stress on the parent's sleep schedule. If nightly feedings are becoming increasingly required, having premade formula or pre-pumped breastmilk could be a good move. Having this premade formula or milk can help mother's get extra sleep as the other partner can take half of the responsibility.

Miscellaneous Milestones At 2 Months

Your baby will start to come into their own during this point, and there is a lot of great development that will be encouraging for parents. Remember that every baby is different, so some may perform these actions earlier or later than two months.

Putting Hands to Mouth

While most babies just flail their hands around up until this point, at 2 months old, you will likely start to see direct movements. Specifically, your baby will start to raise their hand to their mouth and also suck on their fist as a way of self-soothing. They may not be successful the first time they try, but if you see your child try to make these movements, then they are on the right track.

Coordinated Eye Movements

It is not uncommon for your baby’s eyes to have a mind of their own for a couple of months, but at 2 months of age, you will start to see their eye movements become a bit more coordinated and targeted. This is when your baby’s eyes will also follow objects that are moved in front of their faces, and they will be able to focus on your face. Keep in mind that their eye coordination won’t be perfect at this stage, but it will vastly improve.

The Cooing Will Commence

Your baby is several months away from saying words, but they will start cooing more often by the end of the second month. Even if they don’t make much of a sound, they will still make the mouth shapes necessary to start doing so. 

Improved Neck and Head Control

While your baby won’t be able to hold up their head on their own just yet, you will see that you need to offer less support than in the past. Gentle support at the back of the head will feel slightly lighter. No matter what, any parent will smile at the continued development of their child.

The best way to help your baby improve their head and neck control is to make tummy time a priority during the second month. Tummy time helps your baby to have better muscle control. Keep in mind that your baby can also do tummy time while upright if they are in a baby wrap or carrier. Strengthening the neck is crucial at this point.

Hearing Will Improve

At this point, one of the biggest developmental milestones at 2 months of age is the improvement in your baby’s hearing as they will recognize your voice and you may see a bit of a smile when you talk or sing to them. They will also turn their head when they hear you coming. You can improve their chances of saying words in a couple of months by talking to them whenever you can. 

Check out this speech development guide here to have a better understanding of what to expect.

They May Start To Do Mini Push Ups

While many babies cannot get onto their elbows and do a “mini push up” until 4 months old, at age 2 months, your baby may start to raise their head and chest further from the floor than they could previously. Don’t worry if they are unable to make much progress at this stage, as they should get better in the next couple of months.

2-Month Weight and Length Averages

On average, your baby should typically have gained from four to five pounds since birth and be one to two inches longer at this point. The weight and length of every baby will differ and depend on their size at birth. However, if your baby is well underweight, then waking your baby to feed them will be crucial. Larger babies are typically okay if they sleep through a feeding. Here are the weight and length averages at age 2 months:

Average weight:
12 pounds 6 ounces
Average weight:
11 pounds 4 ounces
Average length:
22 3/4 inches
Average length:
22 1/2 inches

What Parents Should Watch Out for at 2 Months

baby with hand in mouth
At 2 months, your baby should at least start to make the motion of bringing their hand to their mouth.

Developmental milestones can vary greatly at this stage of life, so don’t read this article as a list of requirements. However, if you notice red flags, then contact your pediatrician. Signs to be aware of include:

  • Baby doesn't bring hands to mouth.
  • Can’t latch while bottle or breastfeeding.
  • Loses formula or breast milk out of the side of the mouth when eating.
  • Completely unable to hold their head up while on their tummy.
  • No response to loud noises.
  • Doesn’t track objects or people as they move.
  • Baby won’t show any signs of smiling.

If you don’t notice any of the signs above, then your baby is likely coming along nicely. This is a very exciting time for your family. Continue to care for your child, and you’ll see that the developmental milestones at 2 months of age are just the start of your wonderful journey.

Keep up with all of the key childhood developmental milestones here!

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