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The 10 Best Toys For 6-Year-Old Girls

Child playing with Kinetic Sand

The 10 Best Toys For 6-Year-Old Girls

Whether you've got a birthday, holiday, or a special occasion coming up, it can be hard to know what to get a child. Check out this great list of some of the best toys for 6-year-old girls. From arts & crafts opportunities for kids with a creative streak to toys that involve a puzzle, Amazon has a great selection of well-reviewed options. There are educational toys for the learners out there, and a whole slew of unique, fantastical toys that can really make somebody's day. In this post, we'll talk about all of these and more.

Keep on reading to learn more about the price point, recommendations, and details of all these toys. Get some great gift ideas for this age range, and grouping. Come prepared for your next event with a fun, entertaining gift option for a kiddo that will truly delight in your choice. Let's get into the gifting goods and be sure to check out the links available at the bottom of this page for all the details. Here we go!

Arts & Craft Opportunities

For the young artist or multi-tasker, these gifts are great for encouraging and empowering creativity. From drawing and painting to learning how to use a loom for friendship bracelets, there's something for everyone in the artistic category here.

Soap & Bath Bomb Lab

Starting off with a great activity to create some delicious-smelling products, try out the Soap & Bath Bomb Lab. This option comes with all the ingredients a child, with adult supervision, will need to make moldable soaps, bath bombs, and bath scrubs to their heart's content. There are enough ingredinets to make 10 different kinds of soaps, with all kinds of fragrances and sea salts to add. This kit includes citric acid, wax soap blocks, coloring dye, glitter, and baking soda. It also comes with beakers, pipettes, a mixing spoon, bags, stickers, and an in-depth instruction manual. This is absolutely one of the best toys for 6-year-old girls, what better way to celebrate a birthday than by creating something usable and fun?

Fashion Punch Stitch Loom

Next up, the Fashion Punch Stitch Loom. This gift is great for sharing and encouraging generosity and creativity. This kit includes all a little girl will need to create upwards of 10 unique bracelets with instuctions on all kinds of designs. The loom and stylus are easy to use and it comes with a punch needle as well. Skip the knotting and braiding techniques, and follow the templates to create complex designs with this easy-to-use cording and loom system. The cords are actually reusable, and elastic, so if they don't like a particular design, they can just unravel it and try it again.

Girls with loom bracelets putting their hands together
Make all kinds of unique bracelets with reusable cording in this great gift option.

Crayola Light-up Tracing Pad

For young artists, try the Crayola light-up tracing pad which comes with graphite pencils, colored pencils, tracing, and blank paper sheets. Light up this board and go to town with all kinds of tracing opportunities and a great backlight for drawing. This tool is used in art classrooms all over, so why not bring it to your next birthday party? This gift is safe, non-toxic, and one of the best toys for 6-year-old girls.

Water Doodle Mat

For another drawing opportunity, check out this water doodle mat. It can be folded up and laid out flat, it's reusable, soft, and easy to carry. This kit comes with magic water pens, drawing molds, a stamp set, a drawing booklet, and more. It is great for kids ages 3+, and non-toxic, mess-free, and totally safe. This mat will erase itself as the water dries, so the imagination and creativity can go on for hours. This gift can help with developing hand-eye coordination, and other artistic skills.

Girl 4 years old drawing on the water painting mat with doodle pan
Image: YanaRogovaya, Shutterstock

Puzzles & Games

Who doesn't love puzzles? The process of combining ingredients, or building something with your own two hands can be a lifelong passion. Start with these great toys to inspire future builders and creators.

Funphix Glow in the Dark Fort Building Kit

Moving onto the builders and puzzlers, a great gift idea includes the Funphix Glow in the Dark Fort Building Kit. Simply expose the rods and spheres of this kit to light before setting them up in a large enough space. Then you can start to build! There are all kinds of structures that can be made with the help of the handy manual and all the parts of this award-winning children's building toy. For any youngsters interested in the process of creating a physical structure, this is one of the best toys for 6-year-old girls.

Ice Cream Slime Kit for Girls

For some combination sensory fun, get this Ice Cream Slime Kit for Girls. It comes with instructions, all kinds of combinable ingredients, and everything you'll need to create your own delicious-smelling slime. Perfect for young creators, wanna-be chemists, and anyone who enjoys playing with slime!

a girl making slime herself. child making slime on pink background.
Create your own slime with this unique and fun-to-use kit!

Educational Toys

When in doubt, educational toys are always a safe bet! Learning and fun can go hand-in-hand with these great, and award-winning toys from the likes of LeapFrog and Skillmatics.

LeapFrog Magic Adventures Microscope

The LeapFrog Magic Adventures Microscope offers young learners the chance to engage with a toy built for discovery. This kit comes with BBC videos, and custom slides showing all kinds of educational topics. Follow the manual to prepare samples for magnification, and play the games that come with the microscope. What better gift to encourage a love of science and exploration? This gift is an accredited STEAM toy and requires 4 double A batteries to use.

New research. Top view of various examining test herbal samples lying on microscope slide
Magnify your world with the help of this great educational toy.

Guess In Ten

For another great gift idea, check out the Guess In Ten Skillmatics card game. This smart question game helps develop skills around animal identification, and strategic guessing. It won the 2023 National Parenting Product Awards, and Parents' Pick in 2022. The kit comes with 50 cards, and 6 clue cards in a portable, travel-friendly box. You can play anywhere, with anyone! No wonder this is one of the best toys for 6-year-old girls.

Unique Toys

For some unique toy options, check out a grow-your-own ecosystem and fantastical fairy finder. Read on to learn more about some of the more unique gifts offered in this post.

Grow ‘N Glow Terrarium Kit for Kids

How about the gift of creating your own ecosystem? The Grow ‘N Glow Terrarium Kit is perfect for encouraging responsibility, awareness, and creativity. It comes with a potting mix, a terrarium jar, chia and wheatgrass seeds, and figurines as well. With fun colors, decorations, and plants, this is a breeding ground for creativity and they'll get to watch how their plant-care translates into growth! Follow the instructions to jump-start a child's interest in the environment starting with their own little terrarium.

WowWee Got2Glow Fairy Finder

For a very unique gift, check out the WowWee Got2Glow Fairy Finder. This eclectic lantern can safely catch over 30 kinds of fairies that the proud owner of this toy can search for throughout the home, yard, and neighborhood! There's an app where you can learn all about the kinds of fairies you are finding, and minigames that will help you level up in your fairy-finding skills. This is absolutely one of the best toys for 6-year-old girls, because who doesn't love befriending magical fairies?

Check out the full list of mentioned products below, including pricing, and featured awards.

  1. Fashion Punch Stitch Loom

    This fantastic kit comes with enough cording to create 10 unique patterns. Using the included loom, you can pick from 8 bright colors and make bracelets, lanyards, and all kinds of designs. There's a template for different designs and each kit comes with purple, blue, green, gold, and two different shades of pink, orange, and yellow cords.

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    11/14/2024 01:15 am GMT
  2. Soap & Bath Bomb Making Kit for Kids

    This kit comes with everything you need to create your very own soaps, scrubs, and bath bombs. Ingredients include wax, fragrances, glitter, molds, sea salt, baby oil, colors and more. It also comes with all the tools necessary to create your very own bathtime rituals.

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    03/03/2025 08:39 am GMT
  3. Crayola Light Up Trace Pad

    This Crayola light-up tracing pad comes with all the things you need to create a fantastical illustration. Trace on this great surface, or design your own drawings. This toy is sure to inspire young artists to continue to create. For a great price, you can give a child the gift of a fun creative outlet.

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    03/03/2025 08:44 am GMT
  4. Water Doodle Mat

    This water drawing mat is easily expandable and great for both indoor and outdoor use. The package includes a doodle mat, magic pens, a drawing template, and a roller stamp set. This gift is non-toxic, and mess-free.

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    03/03/2025 08:40 am GMT
  5. Fun Forts Glow Fort Building Kit for Kids

    This kit has everything you need to create the ultimate glow-in-the-dark fort. With 53 rods and 28 connectable spheres, simply follow the instructions to create all kinds of unique forts. This toy can help build a child's imagination and understanding of how to create things using instructions. In 2021, this toy won the Mom's Choice Award in the kids' product category.

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    03/03/2025 08:49 am GMT
  6. Original Stationery Ice Cream Slime Kit for Girls

    What better gift than the gift of slime creation? This sensory kit is a puzzle in itself, simply follow the instructions, combine your ingredients, and just like that, you've made some slime! This product includes some 31 pieces including sprinkles, smells, and colors to make some super fun, non-edible slime!

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    03/03/2025 08:46 am GMT
  7. LeapFrog Magic Adventures Microscope

    Get a gift for the young scientists in your life with this great educational microscope toy. This kit comes with 8 double-sided slides that show BBC videos across all kinds of topics. You can make your own microscopic samples of the world around you and test your knowledge with a leveled game that's part of this great gift. This toy is accredited as a STEAM toy by the Toy Association and needs double A batteries to use.

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    03/03/2025 08:48 am GMT
  8. Skillmatics Card Game Guess in 10!

    With these 50 animal cards and 6 clue cards, practice your animal-guessing skills! From Skillmatics, this game builds a child's strategic guessing and love of the animal kingdom! It's travel-sized, easy to learn, and fun to play!

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    03/03/2025 05:50 am GMT
  9. Creativity for Kids Grow N Glow Terrarium Kit for Kids

    This terrarium kit helps kids explore and discover how to care for nature in the comfort of their homes. Create your own ecosystem with a plastic jar, potting mix, chia and wheat grass seeds, and fun glow-in-the-dark figurines. After proper planting, it grows quickly over the span of 3-4 days. This helps teach responsibility, basic agriculture, and plant care. It's also just a fun activity for a growing child to create their own little universe in a jar!

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    03/03/2025 08:49 am GMT
  10. Got2Glow Fairies Got2Glow Fairy Finder

    This electric fairy jar houses over 30 kinds of virtual fairies. Simply bring the jar around the house and find what fairies are hiding within your home or in the garden. Once the fairies have decided to stay, you can chat with them, feed them, and learn about them through a number of mini-games. Collect more fairies the longer you play, and with a parent's help, you can download the app to learn more about the best way to befriend new and rare fairies.

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    03/03/2025 08:50 am GMT
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