When you think of a Montessori education, you may believe it is strictly meant for classrooms. However, you can create a Montessori home for your child. You can even start as soon as they are born! Maria Montessori built the Montessori method based on the idea that the whole child should be educated. As parents, we can provide our children with a stimulating environment and watch their interests. Then if we sit back, we can watch our child thrive and be motivated to learn at their own pace. A great way to learn about the Montessori method is through books. There are many Montessori books for parents out of the market today. We will look at the four best books to help you get started.
Creating a Montessori Home
You can create a Montessori home! It's true. Montessori is a way of thinking. It can start when you begin to view your child as a whole person who is capable of not only learning but also of loving to learn. Then, as a parent, you can provide your child with natural, simple materials and opportunities that will ignite their minds and imaginations. Examples of play materials you can provide for your child are simple blocks, knobs, and chunky puzzles. Anything that allows your child to be engaged and not merely entertained.
Maria Montessori did not believe that a child needs to be entertained. Instead, she felt that children are capable humans who do not need fluff. She believed they could engage their whole minds and bodies in an activity and learn everything they needed to know.
Maria also believed in sensitive periods. Your child is motivated and ready to learn a new skill during these periods. An example of a sensitive period would be when your child is prepared to learn to crawl. You can provide your child with all the stimulation and encouragement they need, but only when they are ready will they do it.
Benefits of Using Montessori As a Parent
You can provide your child with a Montessori home in many ways. A few of the best ways to do this are by offering simple materials and stimulating environments. Keeping books and toys to a minimum can help your child not feel distracted and overwhelmed. Natural materials are safe for your child and also appealing. Bright and noisy toys can be overstimulating and are more about entertaining and less about engagement. Instead, as a parent, give your child an environment where they have plenty of opportunities to engage their whole minds and bodies. This is an excellent place to start!
The Top Four Best Montessori Books for Parents
Below we discuss the top four best Montessori books for parents. Each of these books looks at how to set up a Montessori home and encourage your baby to thrive in their first three years of life.
- $11.99Buy Now
- Set your home up for success in the very beginning.
- Give tips on assisting your baby in their growth and development.
- Explores how to be an observer of your baby.
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01/15/2025 07:53 pm GMT - $11.67Buy Now
- Continue exploring the Montessori method with your toddler.
- Get rid of the chaos in your home.
- Practical tips for creating a peaceful home that encourages exploration and engagement.
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01/15/2025 07:49 pm GMT - $12.46Buy Now
- Encourage your child to thrive in the Montessori method.
- Learn how to get rid of overstimulation and overwhelm.
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01/15/2025 07:53 pm GMT - $11.84Buy Now
- Practical tips on how to set up a Montessori home.
- Clear explanations on how to apply the Montessori principles.
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01/15/2025 08:09 pm GMT
The Montessori Baby: A Parent's Guide to Nurturing Your Baby with Love, Respect, and Understanding
You can start creating a Montessori home for your child as soon as your baby comes home! Simone Davies and Junnifa Uzodike wrote this book. These authors show you simple tips for being your child's observer. In doing so, you can come alongside your baby and assist them in their growth and development.
Learn simple ways to prepare yourself for parenthood, create a Montessori home environment, and raise a confident baby. Many reviewers stated that this book was practical, encouraging, and down-to-earth. This wonderful book can show you how to create a Montessori home as soon as your baby is born.
- Set your home up for success in the very beginning.
- Give tips on assisting your baby in their growth and development.
- Explores how to be an observer of your baby.
The Montessori Toddler: A Parent's Guide to Raising a Curious and Responsible Human Being
Written by the same author, Simone Davies, The Montessori Toddler explores the concepts of trust and respect for your toddler. This book provides strategies for creating a safe and secure home environment void of chaos. It also goes into depth on fostering a sense of confidence and wonder in your child. This book is excellent for parents who want to continue with the Montessori method into toddlerhood.
- Continue exploring the Montessori method with your toddler.
- Get rid of the chaos in your home.
- Practical tips for creating a peaceful home that encourages exploration and engagement.
The Montessori Home: Create a Space for Your Child to Thrive
Written by Ashley Yeh, The Montessori Home explores tips on resetting your home to encourage peace and calm. Ashley gives practical tips for helping encourage your child to thrive in their skills. In addition, she encourages parents to scale back on overstimulation and overwhelm. Well-organized, engaging, and detailed, reviewers loved this Montessori book. This book best explains how to set up a Montessori home for success.
- Encourage your child to thrive in the Montessori method.
- Learn how to get rid of overstimulation and overwhelm.
Montessori from the Start: The Child at Home, from Birth to Age Three
Maria Montessori believed all children were born with everything they needed to learn skills. Parents can encourage their children in their younger years to foster confidence. Paula Polk Lillard and Lynn Lillard Jessen wrote Montessori from the Start. In this book, they explore detailed tips on creating a stimulating environment for babies to three-year-olds.
Children absorb all the information in their world and develop skills they will use for their entire lives. Parents can set their children up for success with this book's simple and practical tips. A few reviewers disliked the baby care advice and stated it needed to be updated. However, most reviewers loved the helpful explanations of the philosophies of Montessori. As with any book, you need to discern what information will benefit your family and which advice you can take with a grain of salt. Overall this book was the best for explaining how to apply the Montessori principles from birth to age three.
- Practical tips on how to set up a Montessori home.
- Clear explanations on how to apply the Montessori principles.
Who was Maria Montessori?
Marian Montessori was an Italian physician. She believed children are capable humans born with all the curiosity they need. She encouraged parents and teachers to provide environments that give children room to explore, work together, and stimulate their minds.
The philosophies of the Montessori method focus on respecting the child as a whole person. Montessori holds to the truth that children are born with the desire to learn and succeed. They do not need adults to tell them what to learn; they need a stimulating environment, time, space, and encouragement. As parents, we can create a Montessori home atmosphere as soon as our children are born. These four books explain the concepts of Montessori and give practical tips to set your Montessori home up for success.
What Can Montessori Method Teach Us?
The Montessori method can remind us that children are born whole persons. They do not need us to push knowledge into them. A child is born with everything they will ever need; curiosity, desire, motivation, and more. They can use all these skills to grow their knowledge when ready. Children learn at their own pace, and each learns in their way. One child may learn best with visualization, while others may learn best hands-on. Our goal as parents should be to give our children the tools they need to thrive in the best way possible.
In Conclusion
Can we create a Montessori home for our children? Yes, we can! These books are a great way to grow our knowledge of Montessori. You can take the lessons you have learned in each of these books and apply them to your home as your child grows. Montessori is for more than just the classroom. Montessori methods are a great way to raise your child. They give your child room to grow at their own pace and explore their interests. Children who are taught with Montessori methods grow up to be confident adults who work well in groups and independently. Reaching their full potential is about giving our children room to grow and opportunities to flourish. Providing your child with this environment is a beautiful place to start, and these top four Montessori books for parents can help you get started.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Beatriz Vera/Shutterstock.com.