The Average American Driver Can't Properly Identify These Road Signs
When you first get your driver’s license, you have to take both a driving and a written test. Even though there are questions on the written test about road signs, there are still many signs drivers aren’t tested on.
In the United States, there are over 500 different road signs. While most Americans are familiar with common road signs like the stop sign, there are many lesser-known road signs that most Americans can’t properly identify. If you think you’re an expert on road signs, test your knowledge with these road signs the average American can’t identify.
Turn Around If You See This Sign
Even if you aren't sure what this road sign means, it's easy to tell by the color that it's giving some type of warning.
Answer: No Entry Road Sign
The no entry road sign is to signal that you can't enter through that way. If you see this sign, turn around and find a different route.
Things Are About to Get Tight If You See This Sign
Like many other warning signs, this road sign indicates something that's coming up on the road you should be aware of.
Answer: Narrow Bridge Ahead
The narrow bridge ahead road sign is to warn drivers that a narrow bridge is coming up. This would be a time to slow down and ensure you're paying attention to your surroundings.
Truck Drivers Should Be Careful When They See This Sign
Some road signs are for specific drivers who are in trucks or other vehicles. This sign is specifically to warn truck drivers about upcoming changes in the road.
Answer: Truck Rollover Warning
The truck rollover warning sign is usually found before a sharp curve in the road. This sign will often include an advisory speed as well to let truck drivers know how fast they should be going around the curve.
Drive Slow If You See This Sign After It Rains
Some signs may warn you about road conditions during or after certain weather events. This sign in particular is something to pay attention to when it's raining or after a storm.
Answer: Slippery When Wet
Some roads are more slick than others. This sign warns drivers that the road is slippery when wet. Driving carelessly on a road like this could lead to an accident if you're not careful.
Slow Down for the Safety of Others When You See This Sign
Safety should always be your number one priority as a driver. Part of keeping yourself and others safe on the road is paying attention to any construction signs that you see on the road.
Answer: Workers Ahead
This sign warns drivers that work is being done on the road. This might lead to uneven lanes or a road that's narrower than usual. It's also a way to let drivers know construction workers will be near the road so you can look out for them.
Look and Listen If You See This Sign
There are many road signs similar to this one. Although some of the signs are more obvious than others, many drivers don't recognize the meaning of this sign on its own.
Answer: Railroad Crossing Ahead
If you don't often pass railroad tracks, you might not be as familiar with the railroad crossing sign. Proceed with caution when you see this railroad sign and if there's a traffic light, be sure to avoid stopping on the tracks.
Get Ready to Bear Left or Right When You See This Sign
This sign is particularly important for drivers who are navigating in an unfamiliar area. When you see this sign, be prepared to bear left or right up ahead.
Answer: Y Intersection Ahead
A Y intersection is an intersection where three different roads connect in a "y" shape. After the intersection, all the roads go in different directions. This sign lets you know that this type of intersection is coming up.
Pay Attention to Other Lanes When You See This Sign
When you're driving on major roadways, there are changes in the road all the time. This sign indicates a change in the road and alerts you to pay attention to drivers in the lane next to you.
Answer: Added Lane From Right
The added lane sign indicates that a new lane will appear on the right side of the road. When you see a sign similar to this one with the curved arrow on the other side, that means a lane will be added on the left.
Trucks Should Pay Attention to This Railroad Sign
This road sign is one that you'll see at railroad crossings. Although not every driver will be impacted by this sign, it's especially important for truck drivers to pay attention to this warning sign.
Answer: Low Ground Clearance
When you see this sign at a railroad crossing, it's important to pay attention if you're driving a truck. The low ground clearance sign is to warn drivers with large trucks or trailers that they could get stuck on the tracks.
Prepare for a Change in the Road When You See This Sign
Road warning signs are there for a reason and are meant to keep drivers safe. When you see this sign, it's a good idea to slow down and prepare for a change in the road.
Answer: Winding Road Ahead
Winding roads are more common in some regions than others. If you're not from an area with a lot of curves in the road, you might not be familiar with this sign. When you see the winding road ahead sign, be prepared to slow down around the curve.
Prepare for a Change in Elevation When You See This Sign
This is another road sign that you won't see in certain regions and you'll see frequently in others. If you're not familiar with this sign, prepare for a change in elevation when you see it.
Answer: Hill Ahead
Like any change in the road, an upcoming hill is important for any driver to be aware of. It's more difficult for certain vehicles to go up and down hills so be aware of the drivers in front of and behind you.
Be Prepared to Stop When You See This Sign
You likely won't see one of these in the city, but it's one of the many signs warning drivers of a vehicle that may be crossing. If you see this sign, check both sides of the road and be prepared to slow down or stop if necessary.
Answer: Tractor Crossing
If you're driving down a country road, there's a good chance you'll see a tractor crossing sign. This road sign lets you know there may be people driving tractors or other farm equipment nearby.
You Might See This Sign If You're Driving in the Snow
Like the tractor crossing sign, this lets drivers know about another type of vehicle that may need to cross the road. You'll usually see this sign in states with colder climates.
Answer: Snowmobile Crossing
Snowmobiles are vehicles that can travel on snow or ice. If you're driving through an area where it snows, you may see the snowmobile crossing sign. Be prepared to slow down or stop if there are any snowmobiles passing through.
Watch Out for Merging Cars When You See This Sign
When you see a road sign that indicates a change in the road, it's meant to prepare you and keep all drivers safe. When you see this sign, it's time to look out for other vehicles that may be merging.
Answer: Lane Reduction
The lane reduction sign indicates that there will be one less lane on the road. This means cars from the farthest lane need to merge. If you're in that lane, it's time to move over. Otherwise, look out for other vehicles that need to merge.
Remember Your Road Rules When You See This Sign
When you see this sign, it's important to remember which vehicles have the right-of-way. If you can't remember your road rules, it's best to slow down and pay attention to the cars around you.
Answer: T Intersection Ahead
A T intersection, also known as a T-junction, is an intersection where two roads cross in the shape of a T. Cars on the cross road, or the top part of the T, have the right-of-way.