The Average American Can't Name the Capitals of These States
Do you know the state capital of the state in which you live? If you don't, find out and plan a visit. Often, the capital is an interesting place where you can learn more about your state and how the local government operates. Learning the capitals is important. That's why many kids learn them all when they're in school. However, as we get older, we tend to forget. While many people may know the more famous capitals, like Little Rock and Albany, not all of them are that easy. We created a list of lesser-known capitals. The average American can't name the capital in these states.
It's really too bad because many of the state capitals are known for big things. For instance, one of them is one of the most populated cities in the entire state. Many of these capitals are also home to some of the best museums in the entire country. Other capitals have hundreds of years of history. All of them are very cool, and you should know them better. Take this test and impress your friends.
What is the State Capital of Vermont?
The state of Vermont is known for maple syrup and Ben & Jerry's. But do you know the state capital? If you do, you're in the minority.
The capital of Vermont is Montpelier. It has a population of just under 8,000 people, so it's one of the smaller capital cities.
What is the State Capital of Maine?
The great state of Maine is known for many things, including lobsters and lighthouses. What is the capital?
The average American doesn't realize that the capital of Maine is Augusta. Come here and visit the Maine State Museum.
What is the State Capital of New Hampshire?
New Hampshire is known for many famous natural wonders, including Mount Washington, but do you know the state capital?
The state capital is Concord. It's a great city for tourism. It's also a great place to live with nice houses and people.
What is the State Capital of Rhode Island?
Rhode Island is a great city with a thriving arts scene. It's also one of the most beautiful states. Do you know the state capital?
The capital is Providence. This city has many great schools, including the noteworthy Rhode Island School of Design.
What is the State Capital of West Virginia?
West Virginia is home to the gorgeous Appalachian Mountains. You can go there and hike the rolling hills and valleys. However, the average American doesn't know the state capital.
Charleston is the state capital. It's not to be confused with the similar lovely city of the same name in South Carolina. They're both great places to visit.
What is the State Capital of South Dakota?
This gorgeous state is known for its state parks and the famous Mount Rushmore. But do you know the capital? Most people don't.
The capital of South Dakota is Pierre. It's a lovely city, but it's also one of the least populated state capitals in the country. Still, it's a beautiful place to visit.
What is the State Capital of North Dakota?
North Dakota is just as beautiful as South Dakota. North Dakota is also the leading producer of dry edible peas. Do you know the state capital?
Bismarck is the capital of North Dakota. It is also the second most populated city in the entire state!
What is the State Capital of Montana?
The average American can't tell you the state capital of Montana. If you don't, knowing the answer will impress all of your friends. It's also a great place to visit for a gorgeous vacation.
The state capital of Montana is Helena. This city was a major place to go during the gold rush. By 1888, there were 50 millionaires living there.
What is the State Capital of Wyoming?
Wyoming is a gorgeous, sprawling landscape full of natural wonder. However, there are also big cities in the state, and one of them is this state capital. Where is it?
Wyoming's state capital is Cheyenne. There are many museums here, including one for dinosaur fossils and another for Wild West artifacts.
What is the State Capital of Alaska?
Many people don't know a lot about Alaska, and fewer have been there. However, like all other states, it has a capital. What is it?
Juneau is the state capital. While you're there, you can look out and see massive glaciers and tons of wildlife. Just be sure to bring a jacket.
What is the State Capital of Delaware?
Delaware is known for many things. Perhaps most importantly, it was the first state to join the Union that formed our country, so it's an important place to visit. However, do you know the capital?
Dover is the Delaware state capital. It's a small city, but it's littered with airports, museums, and more.
What is the State Capital of Nebraska?
Many people think there's nothing more to Nebraska than just a bunch of corn and farmers, but it's so much more. Plus, it has a cool state capital.
Nebraska's state capital is Lincoln. The state capital building is really cool. It has observation desks, lovely gardens, and more.
What is the State Capital of Kentucky?
Kentucky is a great Southern state that is known for countless cool things, from the Louisville Slugger Museum to Kentucky Fried Chicken. What is the capital?
Frankfort is the capital of Kentucky. The capital city is full of factories that produce bourbon, candy, electronics, and more.
What is the State Capital of Mississippi?
Mississippi is known as the birthplace of blues, and it's also one of the best places to go for catfish. The state capital is pretty great too. What is it?
The capital of Jackson. It's one of the state's major cities. With 600,000 residents, it's home to one-fifth of the state's population.
What is the State Capital of Idaho?
Idaho is a lovely state with many great natural hotspots, including Sun Valley, the hot springs, and Creators of the Moon. There's also a great state capital.
The average American likely can't tell you that Boise is the capital of Idaho. It's a city of great culture, wild nightlife, and fun sports.