

Adventure & Celebrations


Thanksgiving Placemat Printable For Kids + Thanksgiving Dinner Traditions

Thanksgiving Placemat for kids to write their blessings

Thanksgiving Placemat Printable For Kids + Thanksgiving Dinner Traditions

Thanksgiving is getting so close, who's excited?!

I thought it might be fun for today's post to provide a printable Thanksgiving placemat for the kids to color as they patiently wait for dinner. This is also a great time to have them start thinking of their blessings. The placemat printable has a turkey, and a place to write your blessings on each of his leaves. Fun, I know. 🙂

Just print, provide crayons, and there you have it! A free Thanksgiving table activity!

thanksgiving dinner placemat for kids printable! Write your blessings on the turkey's leaves


Thanksgiving Placemat Printable

click on the image below to pull up your pdf.

Thanksgiving Placemat for kids to write their blessings

Thanksgiving Traditions

Does anyone have any fun Thanksgiving traditions? I'd love to make a list of them here for everyone to enjoy!

Growing up our family would usually draw our Christmas names sometime on Thanksgiving day. We would also go around the table and express what we were thankful for. Here's one that I have heard of multiple families doing:


THANKFUL LEAVES: Everyone writes down what they are grateful for, and then take turns reading them and guessing who wrote what

 Everyone writes down something they are grateful for as they are arriving (on a piece of paper, or decorative leaves if you have them). After dinner and before dessert, each person takes a turn reading one of the leaves and then everyone tries to guess who wrote it.

What are YOUR traditions?

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!  And if you do any Black Friday shopping, please don't forget to go through your Ebates account to get cash back! I made that mistake last year and totally forgot.

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