Having four kids home for the summer is so fun! But I would be lying if I said I didn't get Pre-Summer anxiety wondering how I am going to entertain these monkeys for 10 weeks. Here is the family Store we did last summer. It was really fun. And we always start with our summer bags full of essentials for the summer. This year I wanted to focus a lot on how to get children reading this summer. My kids are going from public school to an accelerated school this fall. I need to make sure they are prepared for it. Besides that, the kids have structure all year-long at school and so my main priority is to make sure they have a routine and continue to learn and progress over the summer with a good summer reading program. Studies have shown that young children forget 22% for what they have learned over the school year during the summer. That is CRAZY! I have always bought workbooks for each child and we did work in them for 2 weeks and then get caught up in activities and we fall out of routine. This year I wanted to make charts that would give them some daily responsibilities and a way to see their progress and make it exciting. I also wanted to create a positive reward system that would allow them to be rewarded each day and each week.
Summer Reading Program to Get Children Reading!
Daily Responsibilities: Laminate the sheet and with a dry erase marker check off the items that have been accomplished each day. After each item is marked off at the end of the day they earn a raffle ticket that add to the jar for the weekly drawing for little prizes and then the big drawings at the end of the summer. Then wipe them off and start again the next day.
Summer Reading is my number one priority during the summer. I have 1 child who would rather read then come to the table for dinner. But my other three kids would rather be entertained by anything else. They are good readers. Even my four-year old can read but they have a hard time holding still long enough to do it. This chart allows them to choose their own goal. Then they mark a tally for each day they accomplished their goal. If they get five tally marks they earn a star sticker for that week. I make Saturday a makeup day for any daily goals that hadn't been met. For each weekly sticker earned they add 3 raffle tickets to the jar.
Summer Reading Program: Reading Goals
This is a really fun way to encourage more reading. The kids earn a star for each activity they do. When they finish 5 in a row they earn another raffle tickets! These are fun and unique ways to encourage reading and writing.
Summer Reading Program: Get Children Reading Bingo
These are some cute little bookmarks. Raffle tickets and the jar label.
I am super excited to do this summer reading program with each of my kids. I hope you enjoy learning together and have a wonderful summer! What else do you do to keep a routine over the summer?
Summer chart-daily responsibilities
Summer chart raffle jar labels