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13 Sugar Filled Drinks to Avoid at Dunkin’

Cup of coffee on the coffee beans background. How to prepare delicious coffee. World coffee day

13 Sugar Filled Drinks to Avoid at Dunkin’

If you’re like me, then you need a good caffeinated beverage to get you ready for a big day of work, parenting, commuting, and everything else. The coffee that usually does the job for me is at Dunkin’. They have a great selection of hot and cold beverages. However, when I started to looking at the nutritional information on the drinks I was purchasing, I started to realize what they contained, and that was a lot of sugar. You need to be careful about how much you have in your diet. To help you stay healthy, I’ve compiled this list of sugar-filled drinks to avoid at Dunkin’.

You may be surprised at some of the most sugar-filled drinks currently available at Dunkin’. Many drinks, including cold brews, lattes, cappuccinos, and even some of the black coffee options, contain more sugar than you should have in an entire day. Use this list as a guide of the drinks you should order with caution.

What’s Wrong With Sugar

When you go out for coffee or eat out in general, you need to be cautious of consuming too much sugar. When you have too much sugar, you’re putting your body in danger. According to the CDC, having too much sugar on a regular basis can lead to serious ailments, including heart disease, obesity and weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and more. That’s why it’s so serious when kids eat too much sugar. They could experience health problems that will stick with them as they get older.

How Much is Too Much Sugar?

The risk of too much sugar is serious. That’s why it’s important that you look at the nutritional information when you place your order. According to Heart.org, men should consume no more than 36 grams of sugar, and women should have no more than 25 grams of sugar per day. As you’ll see on this list, many of the drinks at Dunkin’ and other fast food restaurants have a sugar content that is dangerously high. So, be cautious of the drinks on this list if you value your health.

Cold Brew Coffee With Cream and Sugar

First on the list of sugar-filled drinks to avoid at Dunkin’ is just about any cold brew coffee with cream and sugar. A simple glass of coffee doesn’t seem that bad, but when it’s ordered without modifications, you’ll get 27 grams of sugar. That’s more than your daily allowance. Think about that if this is the first beverage you get in the morning.

Caramel Cold Brew with Sweet Cold Foam

If you’re looking to add more oomph to your coffee by going for a caramel cold brew, you may be getting even more sugar than you realize. When you order this drink as it’s designed, you’ll be getting 49 grams of sugar. That’s more than twice your daily allowance. Just imagine if you drink this every day or you drink more than one per day. You’ll be in bad shape.

Strawberry Coolatta

Most Dunkin’ restaurants will offer either a blue raspberry or strawberry coolatta. Both can be very tasty when you need something refreshing without the added caffeine. Sugar is added to provide more flavor. However, if you get the medium coolatta, you’ll also be taking in 83 grams of sugar. That’s a massive amount. Do yourself a favor and get a healthy smoothie elsewhere instead.

Caramel Swirl Frozen Coffee

One of the sugar-filled drinks to avoid at Dunkin’ is the Caramel Swirl Frozen Coffee, especially if it is made of whole milk. It’s hard to avoid ordering this when you see it on the menu. It’s covered with whipped cream and a caramel drizzle. Who wouldn’t want to order that? Well, you shouldn’t. The drink contains 134 grams of added sugar. That’s enough to cause major health issues over time.

French Vanilla Swirl Hot Cappuccino

Most people don’t go to Dunkin’ for a regular black coffee. They want a little more of a flavor punch. That’s why many folks go for the French Vanilla Swirl Hot Cappuccino. However, if you’re one of them, then you should be careful. A medium of this beverage will contain 45 grams of sugar, which is above your daily recommended maximum.

French Vanilla Swirl Frozen Chocolate

This amazing drink has it all. Tons of frozen ice cream, a heaping helping of whipped cream, and a swirl of chocolate on top. It’s like a liquified dessert that provides the caffeine you need to get through the day. The downside is that the drink also has 124 grams of sugar. That’s more than you should have in several days. Just be careful with this one.

Caramel Swirl Hot Coffee

If you are going to get black coffee with the idea that it’s the healthiest option, then you’ll want to avoid the extra frills. Case in point: the Caramel Swirl Hot Coffee. When you order this hot beverage, you’ll be getting 38 grams of sugar.

Caramel Swirl Hot Coffee with Cream

This is another one of the sugar-filled drinks to avoid at Dunkin’. If the regular caramel swirl hot coffee is unhealthy, adding cream makes it worse. This combination provides 40 grams of sugar, which is really pushing it. It may taste better, but if you have a few of these in one day, your health may take a hit.

Caramel Swirl Hot Latte

A latte is a great choice for a caffeine pickup. That’s why it’s one of the most popular drinks at any coffee shop. Add a caramel swirl to the mix, and you will have a recipe for deliciousness. However, they may have made it too tasty. As a result, the drink has 52 grams of sugar, which is a lot for a single beverage.

Caramel Craze Signature Hot Latte

The Caramel Craze Signature Hot Latte is another of the most delicious-looking coffee drinks you’ll ever see. It has that amazing caramel drizzle and the option for whipped cream. It’s mouthwatering indeed. However, it’s also full of sugar. 57 grams, to be exact. It’s a lot for one drink, and it’s bad for your health.

French Vanilla Swirl Hot Macchiato

This French vanilla treat is great for a cold day, and it has the caffeine you need to get through a long day at work. However, it also has the sugar that can lead to diabetes. With 45 grams of sugar, you’re asking for trouble. It’s fine to order once in a while but don’t go overboard.

Butter Pecan Swirl 

You also need to be careful when ordering an iced cappuccino at Dunkin’ because you may get more than you bargained for. One of the most dangerous cappuccinos is the Butter Pecan Swirl, which has 45 grams of sugar. Be cautious not to drink this too often. Instead, go for the standard iced cappuccino, which has a fraction of the sugar.

Sweet Tea

The final of the sugar-filled drinks to avoid at Dunkin’ is the standard sweet tea. In order to make the drink so tasty and sweet, it requires a lot of sugar. This one has a whopping 58 grams of sugar. You’re better off making the same drink at home. You’ll save money and you’ll likely have a healthier beverage.

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