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Christmas Stocking Stuffer Ideas For Teenage & College Aged Boys

Christmas Stocking Stuffer Ideas For Teenage & College Aged Boys

It’s nearly that time of year again and for those with teenaged or college aged sons, conjuring up some great stocking stuffer ideas can often be pretty hard work. It can seem that all your teenage son wants to do is play video games, but we have a bunch of great stocking stuffer ideas for teenage & college-age boys with some practical ideas, fun choices, and some that everyone in the family is sure to enjoy.

The teen years can be tricky, as a teenager at the age of 13 is obviously a million years removed from a teenager at the age of 19, despite there only being 6 years in between. This is the most formative time in anyone’s life, rife with all sorts of changes, so it can be a typically difficult age range to try and shop for, be that at Christmas or any other time. It’s also a time where, without trying to be mean, your son can perhaps start to get a tad lazy or bone idle, and perhaps may need some help with finding practical things that they may not think to consider for themselves, especially if they’re soon to be off to college.

So with all this in mind, we present here to you some of what we think to be the best stocking stuffer ideas for teenage & college-age boys.

Bungee Cords for Teenage Boys

Bungee cords can be used for all sorts of surprising practical uses, so everyone should have some laying around somewhere. You’ll notice that a few items ahead in this article will be great for those teenaged boys who are into adventure and enjoy going on camping trips. Well, no camping trip is complete without some bungee cords.

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Earbuds for Teenage Boys

One unfortunate factor of today’s world is the over-reliance on cheap earbuds that break all the time. But the optimal word in that sentence is cheap, so that’s at least a good thing, and no doubt that by the time Christmas rolls around your teenager is going to need to replace the pair that they got last year. Thanks to their small size, nothing is going to fit into that stocking so perfectly.

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Art Supplies for Teen Boys

Is your teenage son something of a budding artist? Why not throw in some art supplies? Anything from pens, pencils, brushes, or paints can help to awaken and encourage their creative side and get them up and on their way to becoming the next Pablo Picasso, Vincent Van Gogh, or Salvador Dali.

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Phone Cases for Male Teenagers

One industry that’s seen a huge boom over the past decade, obviously besides the huge boom to the smartphone industry, is the smartphone case industry. With so many fancy and expensive smartphones out there, we all need equally fancy cases to show off our personalities with a near-infinite range of designs. We don’t need to tell you that teenagers are clumsy; we all know that more than well enough. So a new case for their smartphone could be the perfect stocking stuffer idea for your teenage or college aged boy.

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03/07/2025 07:38 am GMT

Lottery Tickets for Teenage Boys

Who doesn’t love a little bit of light-hearted gambling? Especially when you’re not the one fronting the cash! And who knows, your teenager may even get a winning ticket, and we imagine that becoming a millionaire is just about the greatest Christmas gift anyone could ever get, teen aged or otherwise. Lottery tickets are also the perfect size to stuff into a stocking, so stuff away.

Potty Putter for Male Teenagers

Over our lifetimes we tend to like to have something to entertain ourselves with when we take a trip to the bathroom. Whether it’s a book, a newspaper, our phone, or even our toys as a child, we’ve always wanted something. Well, how about considering getting your teenager a Potty Putter? Whether they’re a golfing nut or not, you can be sure that they’ll have a whale of a time “getting a hole in one while doing a number two,” as Potty Putter themselves put it.

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Personalized Golf Balls for Teenage Boys

Following on with the golfing theme (but leaving behind the bathroom part), how about some personalized golf balls for your future (pre-2009) Tiger Woods? What keen, budding golfer wouldn’t love their own custom golf balls featuring their name, a personal message, words of encouragement, or absolutely anything you can dream up that’s personal to them.

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Swiss Army Knife for Teenage Boys

Is your teen something of an adventurer? Prone to taking camping trips or spending all their time in the woods? Then what could be more handy than a Swiss army knife? Nothing can quite compare to the practicality of a Swiss army knife, and they’ve been around basically forever — with good reason. And is there any time better than now than to teach them about good knife safety?

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03/07/2025 07:46 am GMT

Cinema Light Box for Teen Boys

Inexplicably everyone seems to love these. We don’t know why, but they do. So why not get one for your teenager’s stocking? This isn’t just great for teens; college-aged boys can also appreciate a little personalization for their desk.

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Poker Chips for College Aged Boys

Once your teenager starts to reach the higher years of the teenage spectrum, they’ll inevitably come across poker and go through a phase. So why not take advantage of this and throw some poker chips into their stocking? They’re the perfect size, and in the long run, can help teach them some very important lessons about taking greater care of their money.

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Razors for Teenage Boys

Right about now is the time that your teenage boy will more than likely have either A) just starting to think about shaving or B) just started shaving and need some supplies. Either way, some razors can be a perfect stocking stuffer idea for a teenaged or college aged boy this Christmas.

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03/07/2025 06:49 am GMT

Lost Key Finder for Teenage Boys

This is something we can all stand to benefit from, but teenagers can be especially forgetful. With a lost key finder, you can be sure that they’ll never lose their keys (or anything else they might decide to attach it to) again. There are various key finder products available, each working in their own unique ways with some able to work with apps on the phone. You can be sure that this one will definitely come in handy.

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03/31/2024 02:15 pm GMT

Hand Warmers for Male Teens

Christmas time is, for most of us, also wintertime, so why not throw some hand warmers into your teenager’s stocking? These little things can work miracles – just shake them around for a bit and they’ll rapidly heat up and provide some pretty good warmth for hours and hours. If you live in an especially cold area, these will come in handy for your teenaged boy for sure.

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Hand Sanitizer for Teen Boys

In today’s germ-infested world, a little hand sanitizer can go a long way. Does your teenager rely on public transport a lot? Perhaps they go to loads of filthy music festivals? Or perhaps you just want to promote a greater level of hygiene. Hand sanitizer is available in incredibly economical little containers that can easily fit into your teen’s pocket so that wherever they go they can keep their hands nice, clean, and sanitized.

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03/07/2025 07:31 am GMT

Arrowheads for Male Teens

Is your teenaged or college aged son something of an archery champ? Or perhaps they love nothing more than to go out for some good old father-son bonding over a nice seasonal hunting session? Or maybe they’re just super into medieval re-enactments and want to re-enact the Norman invasion of Britain. Either way, they’re sure to need new arrowheads, and thanks to their size they make for the perfect stocking stuffer.

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Fidget Cube for Teenage Boys

Let’s face it – teenagers love to fidget. So why not keep them busy with a fidget cube? It’s the ultimate gadget that will have your teen gliding, rolling, clicking, rubbing, spinning, and flicking away at all of the cube’s different parts. It’s so addictive, and a perfect way to relieve stress, strain, nervousness, or simple boredom that you may even find yourself reaching for it when you’re looking for something to do.

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100 Movies Scratch off Poster for Teenage Boys

Who doesn’t love movies? And what teenaged boy doesn’t love watching movies when they should be doing something more productive? For any movie loving teenager, a 100 movies scratch off poster could be the perfect stocking filler. The stylish poster lists 100 of the greatest movies of all time and encourages your teen to scratch off each silver panel as they tick the movie off and to keep track of all of the important movies that will stay with them in the years to come. Some younger teens may want to wait a few years though before getting to some of the more mature classics.

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Scratch off Map for Teenage Boys

Just like with the 100 movies scratch off poster above, perhaps a scratch off map will be a great idea for the budding travelers out there? For those teens that love nothing more than getting out and seeing the world, just like with the 100 movies, they can scratch off and keep track of every place they’ve been to in the world, and all with a stylish, colorful display to show for it. Your teen just has to simply scratch off where they’ve been and relive all the amazing memories they created there.

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Shower Speaker for Teen Boys

Teenaged boys can be notoriously difficult to coerce into the shower, so maybe this could provide some encouragement and make it less of a chore? A versatile, portable Bluetooth silicone shower speaker, able to receive music transmitted from their phone or their computer with a 10 meter range and stick to the bathroom tiles with ease can help to make showers more fun and interesting and hopefully keep them a bit less smelly when the family arrives for lunch.

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Belt for Male Teens

If there’s one thing that teenagers and college aged boys sure do, it’s wear pants. There are probably few things they’ll do in life as frequently as they wear pants, and everyone knows that every good pair of pants needs a good belt. Not just for the practicality of keeping them up, although that is obviously a bonus, but belts can add something of an air of sophistication, a little class, and something to break up the colors. Let’s face it: it’s a belt or suspenders, and it’s 2019, no one likes suspenders.

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03/07/2025 07:10 am GMT

Catch Phrase for Teenage Boys

This is something of a crowd pleaser, and a great party favorite for friends and family. Hasbro’s electronic Catch Phrase Game is an electronic game featuring 5,000 words and phrases for teammates to describe to one another and guess with what are sure to be hilarious results. Featuring all sorts of categories from entertainment, fun and games, everyday life, the world and variety, you’ll want to be sure to get in fast before the buzzer. The first to 7 points wins.

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03/07/2025 06:50 am GMT

Mini Arcade Machine for Teen Boys

With nostalgia seemingly all the rage right now, how about a desktop arcade machine? Send your teen back to the ‘80s in style with games like Tetris, Pacman, Pinball Wizard, and a whopping 237 more, and be sure that they’ll be entertained with the retro fun for hours. The desktop arcade machine features a fully functioning 8 way joystick and 2 buttons, with a 2.5 inch color display and speakers to give the best possible experience in a desktop sized package.

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Chapstick for Teenage Boys

For most, Christmas comes at unfortunately the coldest time of the year, and with the cold comes chapped lips. Now thankfully we’ve had a solution for as long as anyone can remember in chapstick, but have you ever seen a teenaged or college aged boy buying themselves chapstick? This is where some clever mothering will have to come in and preemptively take care of your teenaged son’s chapped winter lips for him.

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03/07/2025 07:15 am GMT

Gum for Teen Boys

Everyone loves gum, it’s great and something you always want to have in your pocket. It tastes great, makes our breath smell great, does away with annoying hunger pangs, and comes in all sorts of flavors. What’s not to love?

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03/07/2025 06:19 am GMT

Travel First Aid Kit for Teenage Boys

If your teenage son likes to travel a lot or is finally out driving on their own, then how about a travel first aid kit? Especially if they’re in college, with all the shenanigans that go on they could be wise to keep one in their dorm room. If, as we covered before, they are something of an adventurous type and like to go camping and spend a lot of time in the woods, a first aid kit could be a great stocking stuffer for them. There are a million and one instances where a travel first aid kit can come in handy, and there’s never once been a situation where someone needed one and they wished they didn’t have one.

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03/07/2025 06:40 am GMT

USB Flash Drive for Male Teenagers

It’s been the 21st century for quite a fair while now, and one thing that’s become ever more required in today’s world is a USB flash drive. We all need to move stuff from here to there, and any teenaged boy will no doubt have a ton of music, photos, and videos that they’ll make good use of a USB flash drive with. If your teenager is in college, then even better, as they’ll have a ton of work that they’ll need to be moving all over the place with a USB flash drive.

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Credit Card Powerbank for Teen Boys

Our phones seem to be ever more hungry for power these days, often leaving us short while we’re out and about. But with the leaps and bounds that power banks have come in recent years, you can now get one for your teenage boy that’s no larger than a credit card, and will fit into any credit card slot in their wallet. In today’s world, especially considering how much we all know teenagers love to spend every second of every day on their phones, this is something of a lifesaver.

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Video Games for Teenage Boys

What does any teenaged boy love more than anything else in the whole entire world, even more than their parents? You guessed it, video games. It’s perhaps a sad fact of life that 99.99% of all teenaged boys will be glued to their video games for the vast majority of their adolescence, but it is what it is. And while usually we would want to encourage them to perhaps play outside like in the good old days, well it is Christmas, and there’s nothing wrong with a bit of indulgence at Christmas. Is there anything better than video games as a stocking stuffer for teenaged and college aged boys at Christmas?

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03/07/2025 07:04 am GMT
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