

Baby Girl Names


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Slavic Baby Names for Girls

Slavic Baby Names for Girls

Slavic Baby Names for Girls
Slavic Baby Names for Girls

Slavic Baby Names for Girls

This list of Slavic baby names for girls is filled with a wide selection of strong yet feminine options. From Danika to Tatyana to Mirka and beyond, each name is filled with deep meaning and unique beauty. Take a look!

RELATED: Slavic Baby Names We Love!

  • Alatinka - Taken from Czechoslovakian and Slavic words, Alatinka is a girl's name that means "golden".
  • Ania - Pronounced AH-nee-ah, this Slavic girl's name means "grace".
  • Biljana - Biljana (BIL-yah-nah) has Slavic origins and is used in Croatian and Serbian despite its meaning being lost.
  • Caterina - With its Slavic origin, the name Caterina means "pure". Catarina, Catherine, and Katherine are all variants of this girls' name.
  • Chessa - Chessa (CHESS-ah) has its roots in Slavic language and translates to "at peace".
  • Danika - A variant of Danica, this Slavic girls' name can mean "morning star" or "from Denmark". It has been popularized by actress Danica McKellar and race car driver Danica Patrick.
  • Elga - Elga is a girls' name rooted in Slavic language. It means "sacred" or "holy".
  • Ilka - Pronounced IL-ka, this semi-popular Slavic girls' name means "flattering" or "hardworking".
  • Ivana - Taken from Czechoslovakian, Slavic, and Hebrew, Ivania (Ee-vah-nah) means "God is gracious". Croatian-American actress Ivana Miličević has helped make it popular in the US in recent years.
  • Kalena - Coming from Polish and Slavic origins, the feminine name Kalena means "flower".
  • Lavera - Pronounced LAH-veh-rah, this Slavic girls' name shares some Latin origins. It means "truth" or "faith" and is related to the name Vera.
  • Lenka - As the diminutive form of Elena, this Slavic girls' name means "light".
  • Lyda - Lyda - meaning "small winged one" - finds its origins in the Latin name Alida, the Greek names Lydia and Leda, and the Slavic name Lida.
  • Milka - Milka (MIL-ka) shares Latin, Slavic, and Hebrew origins. It has multiple possible meanings: "hard-working", "queen", "eager", "flattering", laborious", or "rival".
  • Mirka - Mirka (MEER-ka) is a variation of the name Mira, which is found in Latin, Slavic, and Hindi languages. It can mean "peace", "prosperous", or "wonderful".
  • Radinka - Meaning "industrious for the people", Radinka is a variation of another Slavic girls' name - Radmilla.
  • Svetlana - Pronounced S'veht-la-na, this Slavic name is widely used. Its Russian and Slavic origins give it the meaning "light".
  • Tatyana - Is your little one an otherworldly creature? The name Tatyana is a popular Slavic girls' name that means "fairy queen".
  • Toskia - A Slavic derivative of Tosha, this Slavic feminine name can be taken to mean "Christmas" - perfect for your baby being born around the holidays.
  • Vanda - Vanda is a Slavic girls' name that means "the tribe of the Vandals". It has its roots in Czechoslovakian and Italian.
  • Velika - Meaning "great" or "wondrous", Velika is a Slavic name used for girls.
  • Yarmilla - With a Slavic name that means "trader", your little girl is sure to be skilled at bartering for what she wants.
  • Zaria - An uncommon name meaning "princess", Zaria is a Slavic derivative of the Hebrew name Sarah.
  • Zorya - Akin to the name Zora, Zorya is a Slavic name that translates into the word "dawn".

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