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Quick and Easy School Lunch Ideas For Kids

Quick and Easy School Lunch Ideas For Kids

Quick and Easy School Lunch Ideas For Kids
Quick and Easy School Lunch Ideas For Kids

Quick and Easy School Lunch Ideas For Kids

We are nearing the month of August, which means I am trying to get prepared for back-to-school! We have some new first day of school signs being designed, and I'm gathering up some quick and easy school lunch ideas for kids. Emphasis on the quick and easy. Here are some of my favorite school lunch ideas so far. Also, stick around for the end of this post and grab the free back to school printables! back to school signs, lunch box notes, interviews, etc.

Quick and Easy School Lunch Ideas for Kids

quick and easy school lunch ideas for kids

How to Make School Lunches Easy

Ideas for Quick and Easy School Lunches:

The best school lunch ideas are the ones that can be ready quickly and easily. Here are a few I've found recently:

Healthy Peanut Butter No-Bakes These might be my favorite of all the easy school lunch ideas! These are so healthy I eat them for breakfast, and would have no problem sending them in my kid's lunches. No added sugar and full of protein! Can be formed into bars or balls and customized in a variety of ways.

Pizza Muffins These can also be made and frozen ahead of time.

pizza cupcakes and other easy school lunch ideas

Honey Popcorn Balls. SO easy. Perfect snack addition to your kid's lunch

honey popcorn balls and other easy school lunch ideas

Beans & Rice Lunch and ideas

Here's an example of a way to use the funtainer to keep a lunch warm. Beans and rice!

Beans & Rice and other easy school lunch ideas

Yogurt Parfaits, salads to go, or dippable snacks

easy lunch ideas

Cheddar and Ham Pinwheels. Another school lunch idea that can be made ahead of time and frozen

Cheddar and Ham Pinwheels and other easy school lunch ideas

Homemade Uncrustables are easy to make ahead of time with a sandwich sealer (plus must more cost effective than buying the real ones).

Quick and Easy School Lunch Ideas

Apple Cashew Snack Bites

Apple cashew bites and other easy school lunch ideas

Southwest Turkey Wraps give a nice variety beyond the usual "sandwich."

Quick and Easy School Lunch Ideas for Kids

Do you have any easy school lunch ideas?

Back-to-School Printables

If those fun recipes weren't enough, I've also partnered up with other bloggers to offer you free printables for back to school! Check them out!

free back to school printables

Here's a preview of what's included:

Free printables for back to school

Back to School Printable Pack

Enter your email and get 7 back to school printables sent directly to your inbox!



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School Lunches in the News

If you pack your child's lunch, then you have total control over the nutrition they receive in this important meal. Many parents, however, choose to leave it up to their child's school to feed them lunch. They may do this for a variety of reasons, from a lack of time to prepare their kids' lunches to a desire for convenience. If you have your kids get lunch from their school, you may be interested in this news piece.

The USDA is currently exploring changes to its nutrition guidelines for school lunches. These changes would be implemented over the course of several years, and would aim to make school lunches healthier. Critics of existing school lunch programs have pointed out that many school lunches have a lot of added sugar in them. With many American children facing nutritional deficiency and obesity, it is important that they get the right nutrition in their lunches.

The proposed changes have been met with heavy debate. Proponents of the new plan argue that getting children the right nutrition is worth the extensive changes. Detractors argue that children won't eat most foods that are typically considered healthy, and that existing lunch programs provide a sufficient amount of nutrition.

This story is worth following if you have your children get their lunches from school. The decision that is ultimately reached will take time, so if the USDA opts to change its guidelines changes will not happen overnight. Still, this may be a good time to consider whether your children are getting the nutrition they need each day.

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