I am so excited that so many of you have loved my original Play Dough busy bags. Check the original play dough printables here. I thought it's finally time that I would make more play dough mats for you all….how does that sound? This time I made them with a SUMMER theme in mind. All of the different sheets represent thing we do as a family over the summer. I hope they relate to your family too. Here is a sneak peek to the fun you will be having with these cuties!
Give the sun some warm rays.
Doesn't that little face make you so happy!
He bought some cotton candy at the fair
Love this little guy. One of our family's favorite places to go is the county fair each summer. It is such a fun environment.
Look at those big eyes! This little guy is hanging around at my happy place.
Pile on the ice cream scoops
Choose your favorite flavors and tower them up as high as you want!
Make Popsicles on the top of the sticks
What is your most favorite flavor? I like rootbeer and banana popsicles! Great. Now I really want one and my freezer is empty! haha 🙁
Yummy Toasted Marshmallows
YUMMY! Camping and Roasting Marshmallows for S'Mores are a Summer tradition for us! This boy reminds me of my cute little brown haired boy!
They are playing fetch, But where's the bone?
Playing at the park with your best pal is so much fun. I love the endless options for fun at a good park.
Make fish friends in the Ocean
Don't feel limited to only fish. What else lives in the deep blue? Make an octopus, jelly fish, dolphin, whale, turtle. Make any and all the fish friends you can come up with.
Fill the bucket with water balloons
We always start the summer with a neighborhood water fight on the last day of school. We have had this tradition since I was in 2nd grade. Yep, even in high school.
Put seeds in the watermelon
Make a few or make a lot. Watermelon is my favorite! I would be lying if I said I have never cut a big watermelon in half and ate the whole delicious bowl of deliciousness one spoonful at a time. Even crazier, it doesn't take me that long. haha.
Well, you got a really good view of what my summer is like with my family. What do you do together? And what do you think the next Play Dough theme should be?
Check out our Monster Play Dough Mats here:
And our Play Dough Counting Mats:
Get your PLAY DOUGH BUSY BAGS by clicking HERE!
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