If you don't already know, I'm slightly obsessed with busy bags at our house. We probably have over 100 of them. Here's the magic in action:

I designed these play dough activity games to teach skills for molding shapes of familiar objects that they can visualize and then create. Carrots, chocolate chips, apples on a tree, candles, legs on octopus, sand castle, burgers on a grill, worms, bubbles, pancakes, snowman face, glasses and mustache on a boy, etc.
Play Dough Activity Mat Instructions
I designed two of the play doh mats on 1 page. This makes the play dough mats printer-friendly and easy to fit in any bag or box. I used my laminator to laminate each half sheet (I like this laminator pouch thickness best, but anywhere from 3-7 will work fine).
I used my Silhouette to cut out the words on a heat transfer sheet. Then I ironed them to these little tote bags.
They turned out so stinkin’ cute.
The fun thing about play dough activity mats is they can be used again and again and again and laminators are so cheap these days.
The play dough activity mats are also great for a variety of ages. These are great for preschoolers or even kindergarteners!
Look how cute this birthday cake is!
Play dough activity mats work great at home as a quiet time activity, a learning activity with mom, or even as down time when you are waiting to order food at a restaurant!
If you don't have a laminator, or need a quick activity and don't have time to laminate, I like to keep these wipeable pockets on hand for moments when I want to just print something off and use it really quick.
And the best part is that you can download these instantly today in our shop.
If this is the first time you have heard of play dough activity mats, you can find a bunch more ideas here: Play dough mat printables
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