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Norse Baby Names

Norse Baby Names

Norse Baby Names
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Norse Baby Names

Norse Baby Names

From Dagny to Torry to Arlan and beyond, this list of Norse baby names runs the gamut. Filled with a variety of playful yet sturdy options, this selection of names will surely yield a name you'll love for your little one.

RELATED: Norse Baby Names for Boys AND Norse Baby Names for Girls

  • Arlan - Arlan is a male baby name that is of Gaelic, Old English, and Old Norse origin. Its meaning translates to "pledge or oath".
  • Alva - Pronounced AL-və, this Old Norse name means "female elf" but can also be used for male babies.
  • Beck - Although it is more commonly used as a male baby name, Beck can also be used for girls. It is of Old Norse origin, and Beck can be taken to mean "stream". It is also a place name. It might possibly be related to the Old English word "axe". It is most commonly used as a surname.
  • Boun - Boun is a gender neutral name with its roots buried in Old Norse. Since it means "to prepare", it is fitting for a child who is going to be prepared for anything that is to come.
  • Brandell - Brandell is a masculine name of British origin, but it also gets used for females and as a surname. Meaning "fiery torch" or "sword", the name Brandell evokes a rather fearful image, which is perfect for a baby who holds nothing back and is indeed a force to be reckoned with.
  • Brantley - Similarly to Brandell, Brantley is an Old Norse name that means "sword" or "fiery torch". It too gets used for males and females and is also commonly used as a surname or place name.
  • Corey - Corey is a popular enough name today (and especially was in the 1960s thanks to the show "Julia"), but it is actually derived from an Old Norse word meaning "hill hollow". It was popularized in the 1980s by actors Corey Haim and Corey Feldman. It is also a surname stemming back into the 1600s, as English-born American farmer Giles Corey was accused for witchcraft and pressed to death in Salem, Massachusetts during the Salem Witch Trials in 1692.
  • Dagny - Dagny as a unisex name that is of Old Norse origin, meaning "new day". This makes it a perfect name for a first-born child who begins a new day and a new generation for your family.
  • Darby - (pronounced DAHR-bee) is an Old English location name that told others where a person came from. For example, the name-bearer came from either Darby in Lincolnshire or from Derbyshire in Lancashire. The name Darby actually comes from the Old Norse word "djur" (which means "deer") and "byr" (which means "a town or settlement"). Quite literally, it means "a town of deer".
  • Dusty - Although popularly used today as a nickname for Dustin, Dusty originates in the Old Norse languages. It means "tough like a stone of Thor". Unlike Dustin, the name Dusty can be used as either feminine and masculine baby name. As a feminine name, it was popularized by Dusty Springfield (born Mary Isobel Cathrine Bernadette O'Brien), a well-known British singer-songwriter.
  • Halley - While more popularly used as a feminine given name, Halley can be used for either sex. It is of Old Norse origin, meaning "army ruler or commander".
  • Hannu - Hannu is a gender neutral given name. It is from Old Norse and means "God is gracious".
  • Inge - Pronounced ING-gə, this unisex name has its roots in the Germanic languages. It refers to the go Ing from Norse mythology. This name can also be used as a surname.
  • Kelby - Meaning "farm near the spring", Kelby (KEL-bee by pronunciation) is a unisex name from Old Norse.
  • Lumi - Fit for the little light-bringer in your life, Lumi is derived from Old Norse. It means "light bringer".
  • Quinby - Although it means "estate of the woman", Quinby is a name fit for either a boy or a girl. It hails from Old Norse language and is sometimes also found as a surname.
  • Rikke - Meaning either "alone" or "forever", Rikke is derived from the Old Norse name Erica, which is much more popularly used today.
  • Ronnie - Ronnie (often shortened from the masculine name Ronald or occasionally the feminine name Ronette) is a combination of Hebrew and Old Norse. It can be taken to mean either "mountain of strength" or "ruler's counselor".
  • Rune - While the image of an ancient rune probably pops into your mind, the Old Norse name Rune can actually mean "secret". It isn't a popular choice but can be used for boys or girls and works well if your child already has an air of mystery about them.
  • Selby - Pronounced SEL-bee, Selby is a unisex and surname that originates in the Old Norse language. This name means "from the farm of willows". It was derived from an English surname and as a surname it functions until today. Today, it is more popularly used in its variant Shelby.
  • Shelby - Although more commonly used as a feminine given name, Shelby still applies to males as well as being a surname. It is also a locational name. It still means "from the farm of willows".
  • Siegrun - Siegrun (pronounced SEE-grun) is a Norse name that means "the secret of victory". It can apply to males or females - especially those who just always seem to win.
  • Tait - Tait (pronounced TAY-te) is similar to the name Tate. It is an Old Norse unisex name that means either "cheerful" or "happy".
  • Torry - Taken from the name of Thor, Norse mythology's god of thunder, Torry basically means "Thor" or "thunder". It is a unisex name and has multiple spelling variations.
  • Unn - Although it is mostly used as a feminine given name in Scandinavian languages today, Unn (pronounced OON) is a gender-neutral name. It hails from Norse and means "the loved one".

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