Making crafts with your kids doesn't always require an expensive trip to the crafts store. Sometimes, you can make some beautiful works of art with what you can find in your yard or a nearby park. We've got a craft here for you that relies on what nature can provide for its art.
The only man-made item you really need for this craft is glue. Hot glue or regular glue will work fine. If you're using hot glue, make sure only older children handle it. Younger children can easily burn themselves on hot glue, even if they're careful.
This craft is ideal for a day when you can go outside and gather the right supplies. On a rainy day, anything you can find will be wet and not usable. Of course, you can always bring the supplies inside and hope they dry, but keep in mind this could take several hours.
Make sure to bookmark this fun craft so you can do it with your child any time you want. This is a great way to keep your children occupied while helping them build their fine motor skills. Having well-developed fine motor skills will help them tremendously as they age!
Nature Angels
Take a nature walk and collect interesting items, such as

Ornamental grass tufts
Pine cones, ball moss
Milk weed pods
Lavender spikes
Money plant
Acorns, walnuts, pecans, puff balls
Glue, wire, or rubber bands
1. Cover a work surface.
2. Gather grass tufts, glue or band together for the skirt.
3. “X” grass tufts or use opened milk weed pods for the wings. Attach to the skirt—with glue or wire.
4. Glue pine cones or ball moss to the skirt and wings to make the body.
5. Glue acorn or walnut or pecan or puff ball for the head.
6. Make a circle with the lavender spike glue it closed or use money plant coin for the halo.
7. After your angel is assembled and the glue is dry spray her with hairspray so she doesn’t shed.
8. Use an ornament hanger on the back of your angel to hang her up for display.