When you think you may be pregnant, sometimes it can be hard to decipher if a symptom you're feeling is that of pregnancy or just a random occurrence. Morning sickness is arguably the most common symptom of pregnancy. In fact, movies often portray morning sickness as a common first sign of pregnancy. A woman will start experiencing nausea and begin vomiting and then it clicks: “Am I pregnant?” While some women may not have morning sickness at all, most women will experience it, particularly in the first trimester. Find out more about this common symptom of pregnancy.
What You Need to Know About Morning Sickness
One of the most frequently experienced symptoms of pregnancy is morning sickness. This usually lasts for about a month for most women. It can start as soon as seven days following conception. Morning sickness does not always occur just in the morning, some nausea lasts throughout the entire day. It is caused by the fluctuating levels of estrogen in the body.
Some women have morning sickness with no apparent cause, while others get nauseous from certain strong smells, especially coffee or specific food aromas.
This is one of the easier symptoms of pregnancy to work around for some women. Morning sickness may often be alleviated by eating smaller, more numerous snacks or reduced portion meals. Eating crackers regularly or dry toast is helpful to a lot of women. Morning sickness tends to even out and then disappear altogether once the second trimester begins and your body changes slow down a bit.