If you’ve traveled the world and met many people during your journeys, you’ve likely come across at least one person with the last name of Mittal. This is one of the more popular surnames, especially in India and the surrounding regions. Today, we’ll tell you all about the Mittal family name, including the origin, famous people with that last name, and other fascinating facts.
Mittal Family Name Origin
Surnames (last names) have been around since the beginning of time. At the start, they were used to define different groups of people based on job, clan, heritage, and many other potential characteristics. In the case of Mittal, it’s an Indian name that likely derived from the Sanskrit mitra, which means ‘friend ally.’
Mittals Around the World

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Although the Mittal name is most common in India, there have been many Mittals around the world. According to Ancestry.com, many people with the last name Mittal have moved all over the globe including in our part of the world. The Mittal name was found in the UK, the USA, and Scotland, going all the way back to 1851. The most Mittal surnames ever in the U.S. were found in 1920. However, the most Mittal’s found in one place within America’s borders were in New York in 1880.
However, regardless of how many Mittals there are in America, India is still where you’ll find the name the most. According to Forebears, India has 112,843 instances of the name, the United States has 2,627, the United Arab Emirates has 1,186, England has 743, Nepal has 476, Thailand has 381, Egypt has 336, and it goes down from there. In India, the name is so popular that one out of every 6,798 people there has the last name.
There are countless last names on the planet. Of them, the last name Mittal is the 4,641st most popular surname in the world. Of every 60,115 people, one of them will have the last name of Mittal. As a side fact, Mittal can also be a first name. In fact, it’s the 80,489th most common first name in the world. At this time, approximately 6,615 people have Mittal as a first name.
Interesting Mittal Facts
With so many Mittals in the world, there’s bound to be some interesting facts to discover.
Of the Mittals in the United States, folks with the last name Mittal are 7.8% more likely to be registered Republicans.
Earning Potential
As far as Mittal earning potential, Mittals in the United States earn 31.2% more than the national average. In Canada, they earn 23.41% more than the national average. In Peru, folks with the name Mittal earn 1774.64% more than the national average.
Over the years, people with the last name Mittal have held many different jobs. In India, Mittals have many different occupations. The same goes for the Mittals in the United States. Going back to the 1940s, most people in the U.S. worked the most as farmers and teachers.
Average Lifespan
According to Ancestry.com, which only has statistics for the United States, the life expectancy for people with the last name Mittal was the lowest in 1980. It was the highest in 1992. In 1972, the average life expectancy of a Mittal was 74, and in 2004, the average life expectancy was 92.
Famous Mittal People
Since the Mittal family name is so popular, there’s bound to be many notable folks with the surname. Here are some of the most famous Mittals:
Aditi Mittal – Indian actress, standup comedian, and writer. She’s been on Comedy Central India and CNN.
Chhavi Hussein née Mittal – She’s a film and television actress who has starred in many Indian movies and TV shows as well as spending some time on YouTube.
Gopal Mittal – Born in 1906, he was a poet, writer, critic, and journalist. He wrote many famous works in India.
Madhur Mittal – A famous Indian actor most notable for his work in the movie Slumdog Millionaire as well as on the popular TV show Shaka Laka Boom Boom. He won the Screen Actors Guild Award for his work on Slumdog Millionaire. He was also on the 2012 show Treasure Island and in the 2015 movie Pocket Gangsters.
Mehar Mittal – An Indian actor and producer that is known for his comic roles in Punjabi Cinema. He was so popular in his heyday that audiences would applaud as soon as he entered a scene.
Other various Mittals:
- Aditya Mittal – Indian businessman
- Ankur Mittal – Indian sport shooter
- Anoop Kumar Mittal – Chairman of NBCC
- Gita Mittal – First female judge of the Kashmir High Court
- Lakshmi Mittal – Indian industrialist
- Sanjay Mittal – Indian aerospace engineer
This has been your introduction to the Mittal family name. This popular name has been around for decades, and it will be around until the end of time. If you meet someone with this last name, tell them that you know all about their history.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Eviart/Shutterstock.com.