

Family Health


How to Relieve Mood Swings During Menopause

How to Relieve Mood Swings During Menopause

Mood swings during menopause can be frustrating. You may feel as if you can't control your own emotions. Your mood swings may be impacting your relationships, your work, or your quality of life. If you're facing menopausal mood swings, check out these tips to help.

Key Points

  • Practice relaxation techniques to control your mood swings and bring your mood back to normal.
  • Manage your relationships to ensure they aren't being damaged by your mood swings.
  • Cut out people who are causing you additional stress or depression.

Menopause Relief for Mood Swings

1. Progressive relaxation

This technique is particularly beneficial to a person if they are actually able to record the instructions that they need to follow before they start doing them. When recording these instructions, a person should read them slowly and then ensure that they leave a pause (only short) between each one. This particular technique can actually be practiced while either laying down or sitting in a chair. However, you must ensure that your head is supported.

During this technique, you will need to learn how to tense each muscle and muscle group for five seconds and then relax them for 20. You will often need to repeat the process. In the beginning, you may find that this technique is only partially effective in helping you to relax. However, with a lot of practice you will soon find that your whole body begins to relax within a couple of minutes of starting.

2. Deep breathing

When it comes to relaxation techniques, this is one of the most basic skills a person will need in order to help themselves calm down quickly and relax. Many people who have learned to bring their breathing under control through conscious effort have found that it distracts them away from other thoughts that they are having. In fact, there are some deep breathing techniques that can have an almost sedative-like effect on a person who has learned to use them correctly.

In order to carry out this exercise properly, you need to either be sitting or lying in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. You now need to start concentrating closely on your nose and nostrils as this is where you want the air to enter your body through. Now, with your mouth closed, take in a deep slow breath through your nose and then hold it for a few seconds. Ensure that you keep your attention on it. You will find that as you take the air in through your nostrils it will feel cold on them. Now, after a few seconds have passed you should release the air taken in back out through your nostrils and feel the warm air as it is expelled. Carry on doing this exercise for a few minutes until you feel your body and your mind begin to relax.

Whenever you are using any kind of relaxation technique, the first thing that you should be doing is finding a place where you can either sit or lie down comfortably where you will not be disturbed. Remember, relaxation is the goal!

3. Remove yourself from stressful situations

Stressful situations can cause or exacerbate mood swings. While it's impossible to avoid any stress, if you can remove yourself from a stressful situation it can help you stabilize your mood more quickly. Learn to recognize signs that you're feeling particularly stressed. When you experience these signs, try to remove yourself from the situation or de-escalate it. Once you have, practice the relaxation techniques discussed above to help bring your mood back to normal.

4. Remain aware of how your mood swings may affect your relationships

Mood swings aren't difficult only for you. They can be hard for the people in your life you interact with. Mood swings can cause you to lash out, overreact, and treat the people around you poorly. This can have a negative effect on your relationships over time, possibly burning bridges in the worst case scenario. Try to remain aware of how your mood swings might be affecting your relationships, and do what's necessary to mitigate any damage to them.

5. Cut out bad relationships

Bad relationships can cause us a lot of stress, depression, and frustration. All of these emotions will only worsen your mood swings. If there are relationships in your life that are causing you more harm than good, it's time to evaluate whether they're worth keeping. Sometimes, bad relationships can be salvaged through counseling and time. A lot of times, however, it's better to cut those people loose. No relationship is worth your mental health, no matter your history with that person or how important that relationship is to you or them.

Menopause Information Center

Menopause Relief

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Mood Swing Relief
Anxiety Relief
Insomnia Relief
Mood Swing Relief
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Weight Loss Tips
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Menopause Symptoms

Hair Loss
Heart Palpitations
Hot Flashes
Mood Swings
Weight Gain

Menopause Treatment

Hormone Replacement (HRT)
Insomnia Medications
Natural Remedies


Family Health

Do not take the content of this article as professional medical adviceIt's important to exercise due diligence when obtaining relevant information in matters pertaining to your health. Always consult with your healthcare provider before making any medical decisions.

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