

Adventure & Celebrations


LIGHTNING MCQUEEN PARTY- With License Plate Printables

Awesome Lightning McQueen Party

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN PARTY- With License Plate Printables

What boy wouldn't love this party theme?!?! Especially with the new Disney Cars 3 recently out! My little guy was a pretty big fan of Cars, but after the party he was a MEGA fan. Definitely, Pro's and Con's to that! But, it just proves that the party was a success, right? Here is the party break down so you can recreate it for your Lightning McQueen fan. 

Lightning McQueen Cars Party is perfect for your little boy.


Lightning McQueen Cars party is Perfect for a little boy party!

I  set up the party in front of my weathered wood fence; it made a perfect background. Succulents and wood crates added color and dimension to the party table. I added colored racing flags to the front and Radiator Springs to the Happy Birthday banner. I got the white and blue striped boxes and the fuel boxes to hold different types of popcorn.

Lightning McQueen Party

Cheddar bugle chips were perfect for Sally's Cozy Cones. The cake was wrapped with road paper tape and topped with Lightning McQueen.

  Lightning McQueen Cars party is Perfect for a little boy party!

Mini Chocolate donuts were perfect for stacking Luigi's Tower of Tires (But melted in the sun, keep that one in mind! haha).  Sheriff's stop lights were gumdrops on kabobs or lollipop sticks.  Rootbeer motor oil to charge up after the long race in a mason jar water dispenser.

Lightning McQueen Cars party is Perfect for a little boy party!

These Cone cups were too cute, and White wall tire powdered donuts and Doc Dip sticks chocolate pretzels were a huge hit.

Lightning McQueen Cars party is Perfect for a little boy party!

No party is complete without cupcakes! I used gold liners to go with the trophys.

Lightning McQueen Cars party is Perfect for a little boy party!

Pin the Buck teeth on Mater was simply the most adorable game you will ever see/play. The kids were laughing so hard when his teeth ended up on his nose or rear.

Lightning McQueen Cars party is Perfect for a little boy party!

Wrapping veggie cans with motor labels was so easy and made for a really cute addition to the table. I used photos to make little drivers licenses. One of the favorite things was decorating license plates for the cars the kids brought to race. Find License Plate Printables at the end of the post.

Lightning McQueen Cars party is Perfect for a little boy party!Lightning McQueen Cars Party is perfect for any little boy party!

After all the License plates were attached to the cars we lined up to race. We had 22 kids here so we raced around the yard in sets of 4 or 5 kids. They had so much fun. We even did a “Mater Race”driving backwards. It was hilarious and the kids raced until it was time to go.

Lightning McQueen Cars Party is perfect for any little boy party!

I hope you have as much fun at your party as we did! I would love to hear how your party turned out!

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