

Recipes and Food Trends


Granola Bar Bites Recipe

Granola Bar Bites Recipe

Who's Ready for SCHOOL TO START?!  I can't believe summer has almost left me…

With school starting up soon, I thought I would share this tasty recipe with you.  Aside from being yummy, they are pretty healthy too, and make for a fantastic after-school snack!  I shared a completely sugar-free version previously, but for those of you not needing to eliminate sugar from your diet, here's the original recipe:

Peanut Butter Granola Bar Bites! You would NEVER guess these suckers are as healthy as they are, they are so yummy!


2 Cups Oats

2 Cups coconut flakes

1 Cup Peanut Butter

1 Cup ground flaxseed (found on the baking supplies isle)

1 Cup chocolate chips (I use milk chocolate)

2/3 Cup honey

2 teaspoons vanilla

1 teaspoon cinnamon (not a deal-breaker if you don't have some on hand)

Mix the dry ingredients together and then combine with the wet ingredients.  Roll into bite-sized heavenly morsels, and store in the fridge.  Better double the batch and store half in the freezer as your first batch will be gone in moments.

These energy bites always get eaten SO FAST by the kids. They LOVE them and they have no added sugar. I make them in bulk and freeze them for a quick treat to curb my cravings


These energy bites are AMAZING! I make them in BULK and freeze them

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