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Baby Names


Girl Names That Mean Peace

Girl Names That Mean Peace

Girl Names That Mean Peace
Girl Names That Mean Peace

Girl Names That Mean Peace

Find the perfect name for your daughter is a mission of most parents. Here is a list of beautiful girl names that mean peace, a quality many parents wish for in their child. Take a look and select the perfect one! (And if you're having a son, check out these boy names that mean peace, too.)

RELATED: 25 Baby Names That Mean Peace

  • Xolani – Xolani is of African-Xhosa origin. The name is very popular among the Nguni nation.
  • Zuelia – Zuelia is of Arabic origin. The name means “peace”. It’s sometimes used as a name in Africa. It’s pronounced like ‘zoo-li-ah’.
  • Serenity – Serenity has Latin and English origins. The name represents the tranquility and calm feeling you get. It shares a similar meaning and means “peaceful”.
  • Mira – Mira has Indian and Slavic origins. It’s a shortened form of the name Miranda. It was also the name for the religious Indian poetess of Lord Krishna. It means “peaceful, amazing, admirable”.
  • Kazu – Kazu has Japanese origin. The name is a primarily female name. It means “harmony, peace”.
  • Quibilah – Quibilah is of Egyptian origin. The name is extremely popular for baby girls in Egypt. The name means “peace”.
  • Irene – Irene is of Greek origin. Irene is the name of the Greek goddess of peace.
  • Irina – Irina is of Greek origin. The name is a variant of Irene. It also shares the same meaning of “peace”.
  • Harmony – Harmony comes from Greek origins. The name is rooted in mythology. In mythology, Harmonia was the name of Ares’s and Aphrodite’s child. She is also the goddess of happy marriages and united people. The name means “unity, concord”. It also represents peace.
  • Fritzi – Fritzi is of German origin. The name derives from the name Frieda. It means “peaceful ruler, tranquil ruler”.
  • • Aquene – Aquene is of Native American origin. It comes from the Wampanoag language. It’s pronounced like ‘ah-key-neh’.
  • Alafia – Alafia has Arabic and Yoruba-Nigerian origins. In both origins, it means “peace”. In Nigerian origin, the name is considered unisex with a preference for girls.
  • Arcadia – Arcadia has Greek origins. The name was mainly known as a region on the Greek Peloponnese. It represents beauty and peace.
  • Karinya – Karinya is an aboriginal Australian name. The name means “peaceful home”.
  • Malu – Malu has Hawaiian origins. The name is also used in France. It means “peace”.
  • Mirela – Mirela has Croatian, Italian, Spanish, French, Romanian, and Bulgarian origins. The name is most popular in Romania and Croatia, where it’s associated with the name Mira. It has various meanings based on its origin like, “beautiful, admirable, peace, world”.
  • Salama – Salama is of Arabic origin. The name means “peace”. It’s related to another name Salamah, which means “safety, integrity”.
  • Shanta – From Old French and Indian origins, Shanta means “peace, serenity, stone”. In the Hindu religion, Shanta was the name of King Dasharatha’s daughter. Despite its French origin, it’s almost exclusively used by English and Indian speakers.
  • Evania – Evania has Ancient Greek and Hebrew origins. The name in Hebrew means “graced by Yahweh”. In Ancient Greek, it means “goodness, peaceful”.
  • Winifred – Winifred is of Welsh origin. It’s the anglicized version of the name Gwenfrewi. It combines the elements “gwen” (blessed, fair) with “frewi” (peaceful) to make its meaning. It means “blessed and peaceful”.
  • Sakina – Sakina is of Arabic origin. The name appears in the religious text the Qur’an. It means “tranquility, peace, presence of God”.
  • Eir – Eir comes from Old Norse mythology. In mythology, Eir was the name of the Norse goddess of healing and medicine. The name means “mercy, peacefulness, peace”.
  • Sula – Sula has Estonian and Hebrew origins. The name in Hebrew is an alternative spelling of Shulamith. In Hebrew, the name means “peace, little she-bear”. In Estonian, the name means “the gannett”.
  • Mirembe – Mirembe is of African origin. The name comes from Uganda. In the Luganda language, it comes from the word “emirembe”, meaning peace. Mirembe means “woman of peace”.
  • Airini – Airini has Maori and Greek origins. The name is a transliteration of the Greek name Eirene, who was the goddess of peace. The name shares its meaning and also means “woman of a peaceful nature”.

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