

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names


Girl Names That Mean Nature

Girl Names That Mean Nature

Girl Names That Mean Nature
© iStock.com/Larysa Pashkevich
Girl Names That Mean Nature

Girl Names That Mean Nature

For an earthy yet elegant name for your daughter, check out this list of girl names that mean nature. Each is unique and feminine. Take a look!

RELATED: More Baby Names That Mean Nature

  • Aspen – Aspen is a nature girl name of English origin. The name means "Aspen Tree."
  • Wren – The nature girl name Wren is also the name of a brown passerine bird. The origin of the name is English.
  • Cherry – Cherry is a nature girl name that means "cherry fruit." It is of American origin.
  • Azalea – Azalea is a girl's nature name. It means "moderate," "thrifty," and "abstemious." It also pays homage to the Azalea plant.
  • Berry – Berry is a girl nature's name. The name means berry, as in a berry in a tree.
  • Fern – Fern is a nature girl name with a Greek origin. It means a "fern plant."
  • Lotus – Lotus is a nature name for girls. The name represents the Lotus flower, and it also means "dreamlike." The origin of the name is Greek.
  • Autumn – Autumn is a nature name for girls. It represents the fall month of Autumn. The name has a Latin origin.
  • Ember – Ember is a girl name that means the way it sounds, "smoldering remains of a fire." The nature name has an English origin.
  • Apple – Apple is a nature girl name of English origin. The name Apple is a tribute to the fruit that grows on trees. Actress Gwyneth Paltrow named her daughter Apple.
  • Breezy – Breezy is a name for a girl. It's a nature name that means "windy." Breezy's origins are English.
  • Brooke – Brooke is a nature girl name variant of "brook." Brook is the English name of a small stream. One of the most famous women with the name is American model and actress Brooke Shields.
  • Clover – Clover is a girl name that means "meadow flower." The origin of the nature name is English.
  • Butterfly – Butterfly is a girl name of American origin. There are over 17,000 species of butterflies in the world, and indeed, the name Butterfly means exactly the way it sounds - "a butterfly."
  • Canyon – The nature girl name Canyon is of English origin. Canyon means "a large ravine."
  • Cinnamon – Cinnamon is a nature girl name of American origin. It means "the spice." The sweet-tasting and smelling spice cinnamon originates from the bark of several species of trees.
  • Coral - Coral is a nature girl name of English origin. It means "marine invertebrate." Corals are found in nature in the sea in compact colonies.
  • Meadow – Meadow is a nature name for a girl. It has an American origin meaning "field of grass" or "vegetation." However, meadows found in nature can be dry, moist, or wet.
  • Pearl – Pearl is a nature girl name of English origin. The name "Pearl" means "a round bead formed by a mollusk." Pearls are a gemstone and the only gemstone formed by a living creature out in nature. A mollusk is an oyster, mussel, etc. Mussels make pearls in freshwaters, such as rivers and ponds. Oysters make pearls in oceans or saltwater.
  • Aqua – Aqua is a nature girl name of Latin origin. It is also a short form of Aquamarine. When you hear the name "Aqua," you think water. Indeed, Aqua means "water" or "sea blue."
  • Wind – Wind is one of the main aspects of nature; it's also a girl name that means "moving air." The origin of the name is American.
  • Sunshine – Sunshine, of English origin, is a natural name for a girl that means exactly how it sounds. Sunshine lights up our days, and it's a name that also sounds upbeat and sunny.
  • Butterfly – A nature girl name that means exactly the way it sounds is "Butterfly," of American origin. An American actress named Butterfly was Butterfly Mcqueen, who appeared in the famous "Gone With the Wind."
  • Violet – The nature girl name Violet is of English origin. It means "purple" and "blue flower." There are approximately 500 species of violets in the world.
  • Daisy – Daisy, of American origin, is a nature name for girls that means "daisy flower." Daisy flowers are found on all continents except Antarctica.

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