

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names


Girl Names That Mean Guardian Angel

small newborn cute baby, infant girl sleeping in a basket in a flowered dressing on a rug in a hat with a toy, tenderness love care, angel smile, pink-blue color in a flower dressing bunny

Girl Names That Mean Guardian Angel

From Angelica to Juno to Sophia and beyond, each of these girl names that mean guardian angel is delightful and feminine. Explore these options and find a name for your little girl that resonates. Take a look!

RELATED: More Baby Names That Mean Guardian Angel

  • Agnola Agnola is a name that means “angel” in Greek and “pure” in Italian. It is related to the vintage name Agnes.
  • Alya Alya is an Arabic name that means “heavenly, sky, heaven, loftiness” and evokes angelic emotions. It also means “to ascend” in Hebrew.
  • Anahera Anahera is a Maori name that means “angel”. It is the phonetic spelling of the word angel in the Maori language.
  • AngelaAngela is the classic girl’s name that means “angel”. It was popular as far back as the 18th-century, but popularity remains strong even now. Angela ranked #251 as recently as 2020.
  • AngelicaAngelica is a Greek name that means “messenger” or “angelic”. The poets Boiardo and Ariosto used the name in poems as far back as the mid-1400s, but it didn’t come into common usage until the 18th-century.
  • Angeni Angeni is an Algonquian name that means “angel” or “spirit”. It is an adaptation of the English term angel into the language which lacks an “L” sound.
  • Aniela Aniela is the Polish version of Angela. It offers a fresh alternative to the more popular name that has been popular in France as well as Poland.
  • Anzhela Anzhela is the Russian and Ukrainian form of the name Angela. It also boasts the beautiful diminutives Anzhelika and Alya.
  • Arella Arella is a Hebrew name that means “messenger of God, angel”. Arella is a beautiful alternative to the more common Angela.
  • Atchara Atchara is a Thai name meaning “angel”. It can also be spelled as Archara.
  • Celine Celine is a French name that means “heavenly”. Celine is best known for the famous musical artist Celine Dion.
  • CharmaineCharmaine means “angel of harmony”. Charmaine is the guardian angel of musicians and singers.
  • Domina Domina is an English name meaning “of the Lord”. Domina is the feminine form of Dominic and is related to a type of angel called domains.
  • EvangelineEvangeline means “bearer of good news”. The name is associated with angels, who were traditionally messengers of God.
  • Fereshteh Fereshteh is a Persian name that means “angel”. It is common in predominantly Muslim countries like Iran and Iraq but hasn’t quite made the jump to the US.
  • GabrielleGabrielle is a French name that means “God is my strength”. The name is popular in the UK and the US. It is a feminine form of the name Gabriel, alongside variant spelling Gabriella. Gabriel is one of the archangels in Judeo-Christian theology.
  • Gloria Gloria means “glory”. Gloria comes from Biblical texts where it is a hymn of praise, specifically the “Gloria in Excelsis Deo” or “Hymn of the Angels”.
  • Juno Juno means “youth” and was the Greek queen of the gods. Juno was also the feminine equivalent of the Greek guardian spirit Genius.
  • Lieke Lieke is a Dutch name that means “angelic, messenger”. Lieke is a diminutive of Angelique.
  • Mariangela – Mariangela is a Spanish name that combines Maria with angel. This name evokes the name of Jesus’ mother, Mary, who is venerated as a powerful protective figure in Catholic tradition.
  • MichelleMichelle is means “who is like God?” is a classically feminine name that was at peak popularity in the 1970s and 80s. It is a feminine form of Michael, who was one of the archangels.
  • Rabia Rabia means “spring” in Arabic. Rabia was one of ten angels that accompanied the sun as it traveled through the sky.
  • SeraphinaSeraphina is a Hebrew name that means “ardent, fiery”. Seraphina is a feminine adaptation of the term “seraphim” which is a type of angel in the Hebrew Bible.
  • SophiaSophia is a Greek name that means “wisdom”. In some traditions, Sophia is an angel who helped to create the world. The Hagia Sophia is a famous church located in modern day Istanbul.
  • Zera Zera is a Hebrew name that means “seed”. Zera is associated with plants, growth, and the harvest.

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