

Baby Girl Names


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Girl Names That Mean Guardian

Girl Names That Mean Guardian

Girl Names That Mean Guardian
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Girl Names That Mean Guardian

Girl Names That Mean Guardian

From Inaya, which means "care" or "protection," to Mina, which means "defender" or "protector," this list of girl names that mean guardian is filled with unique and beautiful options. Explore the list and find the perfect name for your daughter!

RELATED: More Names That Mean Guardian

  • Barbara - Literally meaning "foreign woman" in Latin, Barbara is better known for Saint Barbara, the Roman Catholic saint of architects, miners, stonemasons, and anyone else who builds fortresses and fortifications.
  • Mina - In Denmark, the name Mina means "defender" or "protector." It also means "with a gilded helmet" in other European root words.
  • Artemis - The Greek goddess of the hunt, Artemis was a renowned warrior, and she was known for protecting the other young female hunters under her care.
  • Caffaria - Caffaria is a rare and beautiful girl's name with Irish origins. It means "helmet."
  • Aminta - Meaning "protector" or "vindicator," Aminta is a Greek name that was popularized by the heroine of a well-known play in the 16th century. Your daughter will have literary roots as well as a mighty name!
  • Shamara - Coming from the Arabic world, Shamara means "ready for battle," so it's perfect for female guardians with fierce hearts.
  • Hilda - Gather your swords and spears! Hilda is a Germanic girl's name that means "battle woman."
  • Genevieve - Pronounced JEN-a-veev, Genevieve is the patron saint of Paris. She successfully defended the city from Attila the Hun in the fifth century.
  • Inaya - Inaya is a name with Arabic and Islamic origins. It means "care" or "protection." Another form is Anaya.
  • Bronya - A tough name, Bronya means "armor," "strength," and "protection." It comes from both Poland and Russia.
  • Anonna - Anonna is a type of fruit, but it's also a popular name among Roman mythology enthusiasts. She was the goddess or protective deity of the autumn harvest.
  • Zasha - Zasha is a Russian name that means "defender of the people." Another variation is Sasha or Sascha.
  • Eri - A common feminine name in Japan, Eri has various meanings when written in kanji, including meanings of love, protection, blessings, and grace.
  • Vilma - Vilma is thought to be a Native American name, though it might also stem from Latin or Old German. In any case, it means "determined protector."
  • Lara - Hailing from Latin, the name Lara means "protection." It could be used as a blessing for your daughter's own protection or a belief that she'll grow up and become a protector.
  • Aife - Pronounced EE-fa, Aife is an Irish name meaning "beautiful" or "radiant," but it's most commonly associated with female warriors from their lore.
  • Gertrude - A solid German name, Gertrude means "spear" or "strength." A common nickname is Trudy.
  • Marcella - Marcella is the female version of Marcello, but it's much more popular than its counterpart. It means "strong," "warlike," and "martial."
  • Engracia - Engracia is a name of Spanish origin. It means "the love and protection of God's grace," so rather than being a warrior name, it offers a softer, gentler kind of guardianship.
  • Juno - The Roman equivalent of Hera, Zeus's wife, Juno was the mother goddess of all, and she served as the protector of woman and marriage especially.
  • Wilhelmina - Though it's something of an old-fashioned name, Wilhelmina translates to "determined protector," so it's quite suitable as a girl's name that means guardian.
  • Tara - Tara means "hill" or "star" in various languages, but since it's also associated with many Southeast Asian goddesses, it can be a name that invokes protection and safety as well.
  • Clarimond - Clarimond is a unique name that comes from medieval French. It means "shining defender."
  • Elvy - A fun name, Elvy is usually translated to "elf warrior." It might have origins in the Irish name Ailbhe, meaning "white," "noble," and "bright."
  • Matilda - Best known as the heroine of a Roald Dahlh novel, Matilda actually stems from the Germanic word Mahthildis or "strength and might in battle." It'll be a wonderful name for your little female warrior.

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