

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names


Girl Names That Mean God

Girl Names That Mean God

Girl Names That Mean God
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Girl Names That Mean God

Girl Names That Mean God

From Siobhan, which means "God is gracious," to Lisa, which means "pledged to God," each of these girl names that mean god is feminine and unique. Peruse the options, including the meanings and origin, to find the perfect name that means god for your daughter.

RELATED: More Baby Names That Mean God

  • Elizabeth - This English-rooted female title is used throughout the world. It means pledged to God. Arguably, its most famous holder is England’s Queen Elizabeth II.
  • Odelia - Odelia’s ancestry is Hebrew. When translated from that tongue, the name means "I will praise the Lord".
  • Shauna - Some might not realize that the girl’s name Shuana holds Hebrew roots. It means God is gracious. Moreover, the moniker is a variant of the male title Shawn.
  • Bettina - Bettina is an Italian name awarded to girls. It translates into the phrase God is my oath. The offering is also considered the Italian version of Elizabeth.
  • Zelma - German-conversing parents might name their newborn daughter Zelma. It means God’s helmet.
  • Tanaquil - The history of this feminine name can be traced back to Etruscan times. In said language, Tanaquil celebrates the gifts from God.
  • Feodora - People born to Slavic cultures might name their infant girl Feodora. The moniker recognizes the gifts from God and is a variation of the feminine title Teodora.
  • Jeanine - Jeanine is a feminine name rooted in the French language. When interpreted from this language, the offering means God is gracious.
  • Jane - This common girl’s name holds English origins. The honorific recognizes the fact that God is gracious.
  • Siobhan - Persons of Irish heritage might name a newborn daughter Siobhan. When interpreted from Irish and Gaelic, the moniker means God is gracious. This name is pronounced Shi-Vawn.
  • Mariah - Mariah is an ancient Hebrew name bestowed upon girls. In English, the offering recognizes that the Lord is my teacher. One of the title’s most famous holders is pop singer Mariah Carey.
  • Natasha - Those with Russian ancestry likely know the female name Natasha means birthday of the Lord. In addition, the moniker is a variation of Natalie.
  • Michelle - Though common to English-conversing peoples, Michelle’s name origins are actually French. The name begs the question who is like God. Furthermore, Michelle is the female variant of Michael.
  • Joan - Joan is a girl’s name. When translated from its native English, the honorific recognizes the fact that God is gracious.
  • Lisa - Lisa is another feminine name possessing English heritage. In said tongue, the moniker means pledged to God.
  • Arielle - Parents of French extraction might name an infant girl Arielle. In this language, the name means the lion of God.
  • Dinah - This name is popular amongst Jewish and Hebrew-speaking individuals. When interpreted from the ancient biblical tongue, Dinah equates to the expression God will judge. A famous holder was the late actress Dinah Shore.
  • Hannelore - In German, Hannelore translates to the phrase God is my light. Furthermore, the name is typically given to infant girls.
  • Ilsa - Ilsa is another female moniker possessing German ancestry. The name means pledged to God and is also a variant of Elizabeth.
  • Pella - Pella’s beginnings date back to biblical times. In Hebrew, the feminine name offers wonderment at the marvel of God.
  • Simone - Simone is an increasingly popular girl’s name. That said, it enjoys a long history that began in Greece. When interpreted from Greek, the offering stresses that God has heard. A celebrated current holder is gold medal-winning American gymnast Simone Biles.
  • Pernita - Language historians maintain that this name was first recorded in India. In several of the nation’s dialects, the name translates into the expression God has answered my prayers.
  • Annika - The girl’s name Annika first grew to prominence in Sweden. In Swedish, the name means God is gracious. Today, the moniker is popular throughout northern and western European cultures.
  • Amarissa - Linguistic professionals maintain that Hebrew is the feminine name Amarissa’s birth tongue. The honorific recognizes what is promised by God.
  • Talila - Hebrew can also boast Talila as a name it contributed to the world. In said language, it symbolizes the dew produced by God.

How to Choose Your Baby's Name

Choosing a name for your baby is an important process! There likely isn't a more important decision that you'll make for them, at least for a while. The name you choose will stick with them for the rest of their life.

When you're ready to start getting serious about picking a name, sit down and start writing down all of the names you like. Try to limit yourself to no more than 100 names, to keep yourself from getting overwhelmed. Once you have your list, sit down with your partner and go through your lists. Narrow them down as much as you can, little by little.

Chances are, you won't settle on a name the first go-around. You'll likely have to return to the internet for more ideas for your new baby. Fortunately, we have dozens of articles on baby names here, so be sure to bookmark our site for whenever you need it.

It's important to take your time with this process. Make sure you start thinking about a baby name far enough in advance; if you try to pick one last minute, you'll be rushed and may not pick a name that you love. Be ready to compromise with your partner if you both can't settle on a name that you love. If you're struggling to decide between two names, consult others for their opinion. If opinion strongly favors one name over another, then go with that one!

Peruse thousands of baby names on MomsWhoThink.com! And follow us on Pinterest for more parenting inspiration!

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