Looking for a perfect name for your baby girl? Why not choose one that means dark — this name will conjure intrigue and mystery. Here is a list of options to get your wheels turning.
Amaya, with Basque and Japanese origins meaning “night rain; the end; mother city”, is a beautiful name fitting for a pretty baby girl.
Baize, French for “dark brown”, is certainly an exceptional name option that’s easy and quick to say.
Bruna, Italian for “brown”, is a fun choice for a dark-haired baby girl.
Ciara, meaning “little dark one”, has Irish roots and a handful of different pronunciations so parents can choose which best suits them.
Ebony, with English origins meaning “deeply black wood”, is a beautiful given name held in high favor.
Esmeray, meaning “dark moon”, is a mysterious and pretty name option that comes with many cute nickname choices like “Esme”, “May”, and “Ray”.
Inola, with Cherokee origins meaning “black fox”, offers a powerful and spiritual-like name for a stunning baby girl.
Kali, from Sanskrit, meaning “black one”, is a bold choice with fitting roots as it’s the same name as the fierce Hindu goddess of destruction.
Kiera, Irish for “little dark one”, is a popular name as well as a distinctive one, especially when spelled in this authentic way.
Leila, Arabic, and Persian meaning “night”, has an almost fairytale feel to it that is perfect for a beautiful baby girl.
Lilith, with Assyrian origins for “ghost, night monster”, is backed by some slight demonic connotations from the Jewish faith, yet it remains a pleasant-sounding name choice.
Maurelle, meaning “dark, elfin”, is simply a perfect choice to highlight your cute and tiny baby girl.
Melanie, with Greek origins for “black, dark”, has popularity not only backed by two Roman saints but also by the famous “Gone with the Wind” tale.
Nila, Sanskrit for “dark blue”, is a charming name that can work across different languages and cultures.
Rajani, meaning “dark, of the night”, is a pleasant name that is bursting with charm and uniqueness.
Sable, typically meaning “animal name”, is also a word name for a rich and warm black color, making it a suitable choice for parents who want to stray from the standard color names.
Tinuviel, meaning “daughter of the twilight/nightingale”, is a great choice for fans of J. R. R. Tolkien’s famed epic thanks to the elf princess who holds the name.
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