

Adventure & Celebrations


Gingerbread House Shape Activity

Gingerbread House Shape Activity

Some of my greatest memories of the holidays when I was younger was the crafting that came along with the holidays. One of my favorites was over Thanksgiving weekend my grandma would have a huge gingerbread house decorating party with all the grandchildren. It was lots of fun but a complete mess!

I would like to carry on that tradition with my daughter, but don't want to go to through the headache of all the frosting and constructing and having the house collapsing in the end. Since she is still really young, I created a printable to simplify the gingerbread house making process and also a fun activity to work on learning basic shapes.


I created bright, candy shapes that can be matched to shapes on the gingerbread house.


Or if you don't want the sugar free version, you can put actual candy on the gingerbread house printable.


A variety of candy will fit into the shape's spaces. Some of my favorite candies to use are Starburst, Dots, Skittles, and large Smarties to name a few. Either glue them on or place them on and eat when finished. I am sure the kids won't mind to eat the treats.


 Download the gingerbread house printable here. | Download the candy shape printable here.

Enjoy the time spent matching the shapes with your little one(s). When finished throw away either a few scraps of paper or a few candy wrappers, and you have a cute gingerbread house that is still standing.

This printable would be a fun activity for the kids to do at your next family Christmas party, or even for your child's class holiday party.

Want to see more of my holiday printables? Check out my blog at ktdredgedesign.com.

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