

Adventure & Celebrations


Four Leaf Clover T-Shirts

Four Leaf Clover Shirts

Four Leaf Clover T-Shirts

Four Leaf Clover T-Shirts

Supplies Needed:

Plain White T-Shirts
Cut-out silhouette of a 4-leaf clover
Scotch tape
1 or 2 bell peppers with 4 bumps
T-Shirt paint in different hues of green (or mix your own hues as I did with yellow, green, and black)
Paper plates


1. Tape clover silhouette to t-shirt. (Right-click to save then print to desired size.)

2. Cut off bottom of green peppers to make stamp.

3. Pour paint onto paper plates and mix if necessary.

4. Using green pepper as a stamp, dip in paint and stamp randomly onto t-shirts.

5. Allow to dry according to paint package directions.


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