

Thanksgiving Recipes


Feta Cheese Fold-Overs

Feta Cheese Fold-Overs

Feta Cheese Fold-Overs
Feta Cheese Fold-Overs

Feta Cheese Fold-Overs

Feta cheese is a slightly tart, creamy cheese that goes well in lots of dishes, especially things with fruit, jam or lemon. This Mediterranean cheese is always a great idea for an appetizer - try finding authentic Greek feta for the best and creamiest flavor.

Feta crumbles up well, too, so it can be used in a spinach salad with cranberry and poppyseed dressing, or a tomato salad with olive oil, which is one of the traditional Greek ways of serving it.

Feta Cheese Fold-Overs Recipe

Our feta cheese fold-overs are perfect for your next cocktail party or Thanksgiving gathering. Feta cheese goes famously well with cranberry, and because it's more tangy you can serve it with other, more rich cheeses like melted brie.

This feta cheese fold-overs recipe only has 5 ingredients, so you won't be strapped for time after whipping these up. They're tucked into puff pastry, which bakes up golden and buttery delicious in just 20 minutes.

Feta Cheese Gets the Job Done

Feta cheese fold-overs also go well with other appetizers such as cocktail weiners, a green salad mix, or flatbread brushed with olive oil, garlic and parmesan. And you can feel good about serving your family feta cheese - it's low in fat, contains protein and is made from sheep or goat milk, which is easier on many stomachs and easier to digest.

The briny saltiness of feta cheese makes it a savory type of cheese that is filling and goes perfect with light ingredients. Try scattering it over grilled asparagus at your holiday table, or whipping it up into a creamy feta cheese spread that guests can dip vegetables into.

Try Something New for Your Holiday Gathering

If you're at a loss as to what to serve as an appetizer for Thanksgiving, this recipe can help you get kick-started. Because the feta cheese is stuffed into puff pastry, it can be served by itself as a savory, filling appetizer and makes great finger food. Both adults and kids alike will enjoy it!

At your next holiday table, feta can go well with almost any type of meat, especially lamb, beef or turkey. If you'd like to alter this recipe slightly, you can stuff the puff pastry with feta and cranberry chutney. The sweet cranberry will offset the tart feta cheese really nicely.

Healthy or Savory

If you're looking for something healthier, try crumbling feta cheese with cucumber and olive oil as well as oregano and mint for a clean, crisp appetizer before your savory dinner comes out.

For those who want something richer, feta can be paired with olives or even baked/fried in olive oil and greens as a side dish. Feta also goes great with crispy chickpeas for a spin on something middle eastern at your Thanksgiving table.

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Feta Cheese Fold-Overs

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  • Author: MomsWhoThink
  • Total Time: 26 minutes
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  • 8 ounces feta cheese, crumbled
  • 3 Tablespoons finely chopped green onions
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1 (17.5 ounce) package frozen puff pastry, thawed
  • 1 egg yolk, beaten with 1 teaspoon water


  1. Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C).
  2. In a small bowl, blend feta cheese, green onions, and egg.
  3. Cut pastry into 12 (3 inch) squares.
  4. Place a mounded tablespoon of feta mixture in the center of each square.
  5. Moisten edges with water, and fold pastry over filling to form a triangle.
  6. Press edges together firmly with a fork to seal. Lightly brush pastries with the egg yolk mixture.
  7. Bake for 20 minutes in the preheated oven, or until golden brown. Serve warm or at room temperature.
  • Prep Time: 6
  • Cook Time: 20
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