Female Dog Names Beginning With M
Mabel |
Macey |
Maddie |
Madeline |
Madia |
Madison |
Maggie |
Magna |
Magnolia |
Magpie |
Mahalley |
Maisie |
Majik |
Makana |
Makita |
Malia |
Mallie |
Mallory |
Mamba |
Mamma |
Mamie |
Mandy |
Mango |
Mara |
Margarita |
Marge |
Mariah |
Marie |
Mariel |
Marley |
Marsha |
Marta |
Martha |
Martisha |
Matera |
Matilda |
Mattie |
Maude |
Maui |
Maura |
Mausie |
Maxie |
Maxine |
May |
Maya |
Mayden |
Maylee |
Mayne |
Mazzy |
Meadow |
Meeko |
Meg |
Megan |
Mekki |
Melba |
Mele |
Melody |
Mercedes |
Merry |
Mia |
Mialilly |
Miata |
Micha |
Michelle |
Micki |
Mija |
Mika |
Mikita |
Mikko |
Millie |
Mimi |
Mimsy |
Mina |
Mindy |
Minerva |
Minnie |
Minx |
Miranda |
Mirna |
Misdemeanor |
Misha |
Missfire |
Miss Piggy |
Missy |
Mistic |
Misty |
Mitze |
Miya |
Mizthang |
Moesha |
Moira |
Moka |
Moki |
Molina |
Molly |
Mona |
Monana |
Montana |
Moody |
Mookie |
Moonbeam |
Moondance |
Moonlight |
Moopsy |
Morgana |
Morgie |
Morley |
Morning |
Morticia |
Muffett |
Muffie |
Muffin |
Mulan |
Mumu |
Mura |
Muse |
Mya |
Myla |
Myrtle |
Mystic |
What to Expect When You Bring Your New Dog Home
If you're a first-time dog owner or it's been many years since you had a dog, you're likely not sure what to expect when you bring them home for the first time. We've got you covered! Here are some things you can expect when you bring your new friend home.
First, it's important to understand that your dog will be stressed. This is a new environment for them. They've left the familiar comfort of wherever they were previously, and now they're with strangers. They don't know if they can trust you yet. This sort of stress can cause some problems.
Your dog may have an accident in the house, even if they're housebroken. Don't scold them or get too upset if this happens. Your dog hasn't learned a routine with you yet. They may also not eat well for the first few days. Don't worry too much; they should begin eating normally after a few days. If they don't, speak to your veterinarian.
Your new dog will more than likely be quite tired when they first arrive home. Have their bed or crate ready for them. They'll likely crash once they've explored their new home! Help your kids to understand that while they may be excited, they need to understand that their new friend is stressed and may not be too playful for the first day. Some dogs adjust very quickly to their new home, while others take months.
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