Female Dog Names Beginning With H
Hailey |
Hannah |
Hara |
Harlow |
Harriet |
Hart |
Hattie |
Haxton |
Hayley |
Hazel |
Heather |
Heaven |
Hedi |
Heeza |
Helena |
Helki |
Henessy |
Henka |
Hera |
Hermione |
Hidey |
Hilda |
Hiltie |
Hisa |
Holliday |
Holly |
Hona |
Honey |
Hope |
Huyana |
Tips For Buying Supplies For Your New Dog
Buying new things for your dog is exciting! There are so many different items you need to buy. Of course, you want to make sure you get all the right stuff for your new friend. Keep these things in mind when shopping.
First, make sure to avoid any chews that are too hard for your dog to chew on safely. Some Nylabones and some natural chews are too hard for dogs, putting them at risk of cracking or breaking their teeth. Avoid any bones that are vulnerable to splintering, like chicken bones, as these can pose a serious choking hazard or could cause an intestinal blockage.
Make sure to avoid purchasing Hartz-branded products for your pets. Numerous stories exist of pet parents' dogs having seizures and even dying after using Hartz products on them, particularly their flea and tick shampoo. As recently as 2022, warnings have emerged encouraging people to stay away from Hartz products.
Finally, make sure to buy toys that are suited to your dog's chewing style. If your dog is a frequent and aggressive chewer, toys designed for such a purpose are ideal. If your dog is gentler, softer toys are okay. Always supervise your dog when playing and discard of a toy after it becomes moderately or severely damaged.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©marieke koenders / Unsplash.