

Adventure & Celebrations


Felt Nativity Wall

Felt Nativity Wall

I can't believe we are already on Day 9 for 12 Days of  a Christ-Filled Christmas. I hope you are getting some good ideas for your family this year.

I saw the idea for doing a felt nativity on Pinterest, and wanted to make one for my toddler. I had so much fun making the felt toddler tree, and wanted something to add to the “Kid's Christmas Corner” as we now call it. It seems Christmastime comes with lots of decorations that aren't as kid-friendly, so it's fun to have some things just for the kids to play with over and over and over. I put some fun magnets out on the fridge too, so hopefully between the several options, the “littles” will have some holiday entertainment of their own.

Creative Ways to Celebrate the True Meaning of Christmas

What You Will Need:

  • A square piece of flannel to hang out your wall
  • Some tacks, or command strips for hanging your flannel background
  • A felt nativity set (or felt to make your own). We got our set from Oriental trading. You can also find one on Amazon, or if you wanted to make your own, you could find a cute nativity design online and print it onto felt with t-shirt transfers. See my post on making your own felt pieces.

Toddler Nativity



Felt Nativity for Toddlers


Felt Nativity Wall For Toddlers

That's it! Super easy!

For more fun Nativity ideas, see:

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