

Family Life




Eat Together Often

Eat Together Often

Eat Together Often
Eat Together Often

Eat Together Often

Family mealtimes have largely gone the way of the dodo in modern society. We are all too busy and too harried to do the work of planning, shopping, preparing, serving, and eating a family meal not once, but many times a week. Modern life is simply too faced-paced for most of us, and the family meal has simply fallen by the wayside. It's something our parents and their parents used to do. But what have we lost by letting go of the family meal? Can it be reclaimed?

The Benefits of the Family Meal

The truth is, the benefits of eating a regular meal as a family cannot be stressed enough say researchers. It is a rare moment of quality family togetherness that we can ill afford to lose. To begin with, the family meal is a place for parents to teach their children important lessons about food, family, manners, and meals.

A family meal gives parents a regular forum to model good table manners as well as to introduce ideas about nutrition and to expand the family’s food choices. Without ever saying a word about the subjects, a parent may show their children over and over again through years of meals what a well-balanced meal looks like and how one behaves at the table. The benefits do not end there, though; if it is handled properly, a regular family meal can act to bring the whole family together and strengthen their bonds.

It can be a time for the kind of good conversation and active listening that leads to a closer understanding and appreciation for each other. Children who have access to this kind of regular family time frequently do better both at home and in school, proving to be better adjusted and high functioning. Even one meal a week can have a powerful impact on the whole family.

Instituting the Family Meal in Your Home

If you haven’t been in the habit of it, the idea of introducing regular family meals to your family’s routine can be a bit intimidating. Don’t worry, though. The key to success is starting small and simple. If you’ve been eating fast food or take out every night, don’t expect to transition immediately (or ever, if you don’t want to) to three course meals. Instead, do what you can to make the project manageable for your needs.

Start by picking a few simple and healthy meals to prepare. There are lots of resources available to help you get started as whole industries are devoted to quick and healthy meal planning and preparation. If you need to, you might consider preparing meals ahead of time, on the weekend for instance, and freezing them for later use. We have plenty of recipes on our site that are quick and easy if you need a place to get started.

Another way to cut down on time and extend the benefits of the family dinner is to ask your children to help plan and prepare the meal. They will be more invested in the experience and you will be able to spend more quality time with them both in the kitchen and at the table.

Don't Overcomplicate It

Many parents avoid the family meal because they're under the belief that it has to be a complicated affair. As we've established above, making easy meals or using meal-prepped meals is completely fine. If you want to go even simpler, however, that's okay too.

If your family is particularly busy, it's okay to center a family meal around fast food or frozen dinners. We don't recommend eating these meals every day, of course, but a busy week does not need to mean forgoing a family dinner. Sit everyone around the table regardless of what you're eating.

The main goal is to get your family to bond and socialize with one another. As long as you're able to achieve that, it doesn't matter what food graces your table. Focus on providing a healthy and nutritious meal if you can, but don't stress too much about it.

By spending time with your family to eat dinner, you'll provide your children with quality family time that can teach them valuable lessons. Even in our fast-paced world, family dinners don't need to remain extinct. Slowly introduce the concept into your family, and reap the benefits!

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