

Adventure & Celebrations


Easy Mummy Cupcakes

Easy Mummy Cupcake Tutorial

Easy Mummy Cupcakes

The holidays are so dang fun! But the holidays can also be so so busy! Sometimes it's hard to balance being the fun mom that volunteers to take the snack or help with the Halloween class party, and also keeping your sanity!

I like to go for options that are fun and festive, but not super time-intensive. These Halloween mummy cupcakes are just that! There are a lot of complicated Halloween cupcakes out there, but these ones are just as cute and a whole lot easier to make! And don't beat yourself up if you end up going the cake mix route! The kids are not going to care. Just do what works for you and your family this Halloween season!Need a quick treat for a Halloween party? These are SO EASY!

Mummy Cupcakes Directions

  • Make your favorite chocolate cupcakes (any kind will do)
  • Make some white frosting (or buy it). I prefer cream cheese frosting.
  • To get the mummy effect from your frosting, you will need to refrigerate it first. Having it be cold will make it go on thickly.
  • Use a flat icing decoration tip and start weaving stripes across the cupcake (avoid the eye area, or place the candy eyes on first so you know where to avoid)

Easy Mummy Cupcake Tutorial

SO EASY! Happy Halloween!

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