

Chicken Crock Pot Recipes


Crock Pot, Instapot & Airfryer Recipes


Recipes and Food Trends


You’ll Love This Cranapple Cinnamon Raisin Chicken Breasts Recipe


You’ll Love This Cranapple Cinnamon Raisin Chicken Breasts Recipe

Having a variety of chicken recipes is important! If you only ever make a handful of different recipes, over time they'll grow boring and stale. Your family will groan when you tell them what's for dinner! We have lots of great chicken recipes to change things up, including this delicious option.

Fruit is often paired with meat for a delightful blend of sweet and savory. In this recipe, we'll be using raises, cranberries, and apples for a fantastic flavor that you won't soon forget. Adding different kinds of fruit to a chicken dish also means that there will be lots of added nutrition.

It can be hard to eat enough fruits and veggies each day, especially if you have a busy schedule. By finding ways to incorporate them into meals you'll already be eating, like dinner, you can make it easier on yourself. Plus, your kids will be less picky about eating healthy foods if they're blended with foods they actually enjoy.

This recipe can be prepared in just three easy steps. This dish will need to cook in the crock pot for six to seven hours, so plan accordingly! You may not be able to cook this recipe throughout a work day, but you can cook it on a weekend while you do fun things with your family. Or, if you work from home, you can let this recipe cook while you work!

Cranapple Cinnamon Raisin Chicken Breasts


4 to 6 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves
1 cup dried sweetened cranberries
2 cups chopped Granny Smith apples
1 cup chunky applesauce with cinnamon
1/2 cup seedless raisins
2 tablespoons dark brown sugar
2 tablespoons water
1 teaspoon lemon juice
2 teaspoons butter


1. Place chicken breasts in a 4-quart (or larger) crockpot.

2. Add remaining ingredients in the order given, dotting evenly with the butter last.

3. Cover and cook on low for 6 to 7 hours. Serve with sweet potatoes or buttered rice.

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