Clorox Was My Go-To Cleaning Product for Years, But These 8 Alternatives Are Just as Powerful
If you're like me, you've depended on Clorox products to aid in your cleaning and laundry needs for years. Don't get me wrong. It's a fine product, but it's not the only game in town. That's good, too, because Clorox and bleach aren't always the right product for the job. Plus, while effective, Clorox is not the safest product for the environment. Luckily, there are many alternatives to consider, and one of them may turn out to be your next go-to cleaning product.
There are some interesting cleaning solutions on this list, and most aren't name-brand products. In fact, most of them are used for something else. Did you know that you could use vinegar, baking soda, lemons, and hydrogen peroxide to aid in your cleaning needs? You can, and most of these products are also good for the environment. Check these out and see if you find a new favorite.
If you're like me and you're done with bleach, know that there is a go-to cleaning product that you can get for half the price. You may even have some in your pantry. It's vinegar. Experts recommend vinegar for a variety of cleaning applications, from cleaning windows to deodorizing trash cans. You can use vinegar all over the house, and it will be sparkling clean.
Best Way to Use It
For almost all applications, the best thing to do is to mix equal parts water and vinegar and put it in a spray bottle. Then, use that and a cloth to clean counters, appliances, and more. This solution will fight through the toughest grime. However, if you have a really stubborn stain, put undiluted vinegar right on the spot, let it sit for a few minutes, and then scrub it away.
Castile Soap
Another affordable go-to cleaning product that will make a big difference in your kitchen is Castile soap. You can find it at your grocery store. It's a soap that's made out of various vegetable oils, meaning it's a super cleaner that is eco-friendly and biodegradable. That means it will clean your kitchen without hurting folks with sensitive skin.
Best Way to Use It
Just like with vinegar, the best way to use Castile soap is to combine one part per four parts water. Put it in a foaming soap dispenser for the best results. You can even make it smell better by adding a few drops of your preferred essential oil. This is a great product that you can use on counters, dishes, and more.
Baking Soda
Another one of the best cleaning supplies that you likely already have in your pantry is baking soda. It's a great substitute for Clorox because you can clean almost anything without scratching the surfaces. Baking soda is a remarkable cleaning product for bathtubs, ovens, and sinks. However, it's also incredible for whitening tile grout.
Best Way to Use It
You don't have to do much to let baking soda do its thing. Just sprinkle some on a sponge and go to work. If you're going to clean grout, mix the baking soda with a bit of water and then clean it off afterward. You can add an additional boost of cleaning power by combining the baking powder with vinegar.
Most people use Borax as a laundry booster, but it can also do wonders in the kitchen and bathroom. Also known as soda crystals, its a great fungicide and disinfectant. so it will clean your spaces and leave the area smelling fresh.
Best Way to Use It
Borax is a great go-to cleaning product on its own. If you have tougher stains or issues, combine it with vinegar, and it will be the same as commercial bleach. Don't worry; Borax won't react negatively when mixed with other cleaning agents.
Lemon Juice
When you want to tackle tough stains, and you don't want to use Clorox, you can go in a completely different direction and use lemon juice. The secret is the acidity. It is very powerful when handling many different messes, including water stains, soap scum, and tough grease. In addition to making things much cleaner, it also has a natural lemony scent.
Best Way to Use It
You can clean with lemon juice by putting some on a sponge and getting to work. Mixing it with salt is also a good way to attack tough stains. Lemon juice is also great for polishing metal surfaces. To do so, take half of a lemon, dip it in salt, and then scrub brass, chrome, metal, and more.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Another Clorox alternative that you may not have thought of before is hydrogen peroxide. This miracle solution works great on kitchen sinks, bathroom surfaces, and tiles. Use it to wipe down door knobs and children's toys. Best of all, hydrogen peroxide is all-natural and won't hurt the environment. It's mostly made up of oxygen and water molecules.
Best Way to Use It
Hydrogen peroxide is very easy to use. Simply pour it into a spray bottle. Coat the area you want to clean, leave it there for a few minutes, and then wipe it away. You can also add a cup of hydrogen peroxide to your laundry as a Clorox alternative. It will remove tough stains without the unwanted scent.
Oxygen Bleach
One of the alternative cleaning methods you may have never thought of before is oxygen bleach. Basically, it's sodium percarbonate. It's a plant derivative that also happens to be a great cleaning agent. You can buy it at the store. You will mix it with water, which results in a bubbling action that is great at removing stains from surfaces and fabrics.
Best Way to Use It
The best way to use oxygen bleach is to get a large container and mix in 1/4 cup of it per gallon of water. That's all you need to clean countertops, grout, appliances, and sinks. For the most stubborn stains, use more bleach and less water. It will result in a paste. Apply it to the stain, rub it with a microfiber cloth, and then rinse it away.
Natural Oils
One of the best go-to cleaning products for just about any surface in your house is a good essential oil. There are various oils you can try depending on the application and the scent you like. You can try orange, lemon, lavender, eucalyptus, and many other oils to remove stubborn stains. You can also add the oils to your existing cleaning products to produce the scent you like.
Best Way to Use It
When it comes to cleaning or supplementing your current cleaning products with essential oils, it's mostly about preference and how strong you want the scent to be. Typically, you can apply between 10-30 drops of your favorite essential oil and create a great cleaning agent. You can also mix your desired essential oil with a water-vinegar solution. Put it in a spray bottle and use it time and time again.