

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names


Celtic Baby Names for Girls

Celtic Baby Names for Girls

Celtic Baby Names for Girls
© Chamomile_Olya/Shutterstock.com
Celtic Baby Names for Girls

Celtic Baby Names for Girls

There is something so whimsical about Celtic baby names — particularly Celtic baby names for girls. If you're looking for a romantic and playful name for your daughter, here is a selection of options to get your wheels turning. From Aisling and Saoirse to Keeley and Bridget, here are some beautiful Celtic baby names for girls you'll love!

RELATED: 25 Celtic Baby Names

  • Gwendolyn - Gwendolyn is a Celtic girl name that comes from Wales. It's derived from the words "gwen" (white, fair, blessed) and "dolen" (ring), so taken together, it means divine or blessed ring.
  • Aisling - Aisling is a pretty and feminine Celtic girl name. Its meaning is equally beautiful: "dream" or "vision."
  • Fiona - Fiona is a Celtic girl name of Gaelic origin. It comes from the word "fionn," which means "fair."
  • Bridget - Bridget is a Celtic girl's name with Irish Gaelic origins. Alternative spellings include everything from Briget to Bridgette. All mean "power," "strength" and "vigor."
  • Saoirse - Saoirse is a Celtic girl name that can be pronounced in multiple ways. The most common are "SER-sha" and "SEER-sha."
  • Elsbeth - Elsbeth is a rare Celtic girl name. As you might have guessed, it's related to Elizabeth, Esla and Lizbet, but this unique variation is given to less than a dozen girls each year.
  • Kiera - Kiera is a Celtic girl name that was anglicized from the name Ciara. It means "dark" or "dark-haired" in its original Irish.
  • Roisin - Roisin is a beautiful Celtic girl name. It dates back to 16th century Ireland and means "little rose." It's pronounced "RO-sheen."
  • Lainey - Lainey is a Celtic girl's name with a bright meaning. It literally translates to "shining light."
  • Caitlin - Caitlin is a Celtic girl name of Irish origins. It means "pure." It has numerous alternative spellings, including Kaitlin, Caitlyn, Katelyn and Caetlin.
  • Enid - Enid is a Celtic girl name with beautiful origins. Its root word is the Welsh "eneit," meaning "spirit" or "life," but it also has etymological connections to everything from "soul" to "breath."
  • Leana - Leana is a Celtic girl name related to concepts like grace, favor and fortune. Popular variations include Liana and Leanne.
  • Sabrina - Sabrina is a Celtic girl name. Its exact origins are a mystery, but it's generally believed to be derived from the River Severn.
  • Aderyn - Aderyn is a Celtic girl name that can really take your imagination on a flight. It means "bird," and it's pronounced "ah-DARE-en."
  • Brianna - Brianna is a Celtic girl name with a unique history. It isn't just the female version of Brian. It means "high," "noble," "virtuous" and "exalted" in its native Irish.
  • Aoife - Aoife is a charming Celtic girl name. It's pronounced "EF-uh," and it's the Irish version of the name Eva. It means "beauty."
  • Keeley - Keeley is a Celtic girl name with a simple origin. It's Gaelic, and it just means "beautiful."
  • Rhiannon - Rhiannon is a strong Celtic girl name. It means "divine queen," and while it might be a big name for a small baby, it's definitely something that she can grow into.
  • Davina - Davina is a Celtic girl name. It has roots in Hebrew countries as well, but it's traditionally considered the male version of David among the Scots.
  • Erin - Erin is a Celtic girl's name. It literally means "child of Ireland," and it's derived from a myth about the goddess Eriu giving her name, Eire, to the country.
  • Bonnie - Bonnie is a fun and lively Celtic girl's name. Hailing from Scotland, it means "good," "beautiful" or "charming," and it's frequently heard in old folk songs as shorthand for a pretty girl.
  • Doireann - Doireann is an unusual Celtic girl name. It's pronounced "DIR-inn," and it's often considered the Irish version of Dolly or Dorothy.
  • Maeve - Maeve is a Celtic girl name with disputed origins. It's thought to come from the Gaelic word "Medb" meaning "intoxicating," but it could also come from the female warrior queen Meadhbh.
  • Deidre - Deidre is a Celtic girl name from Irish mythology. She was a tragic heroine, but she was also very lovely, fair and famous.
  • Gwyneth - Gwyneth is a Celtic baby girl name that comes from Wales. It means "happiness," so it's a very pure, wholesome name to bestow on a daughter.
  • Emblyn - Emblyn is a Celtic girl name. It's the Cornish version of the German name Emmeline.
  • Moira - Moira is a meaningful Celtic girl name. It means "fate" or "destiny," so it's perfect for a baby girl with a promising future.

Having a little boy? Here are 25 Celtic baby names for boys!

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