Breakfast for Dinner? Yes Please!
Celebrate Pancake Tuesday
Catholic or not, we’ve pretty much all know that meat is a no-no during Lent. It comes from Shrove Tuesday, a day when, centuries ago parishioners asked their priest to “shrive” or absolve them from their sins before entering the Lenten season. It’s the last day Catholics can eat meat before giving it up for Lent, also known as Fat Tuesday. Something you may not have heard of though is, Pancake Tuesday.
In addition to giving up meat, people also weren’t allowed to consume dairy products during Lent. So one nineteenth-century English aristocrat invited all the farming families on his Nottinghamshire estate to make pancakes. This used up the family’s lard, butter, and eggs. He provided the frying pans and fire, and gave each man a quart of ale, each woman a pint, and each child a gill (a quarter of a pint).
Pancakes and beer for dinner? I think we’ll stick to the pancakes but I’m sure some of you could use a beer?
The image featured at the top of this post is ©mama_mia/