Cake Recipes
Recipes for cake are wonderful testaments to the generations of bakers before us. Most cake recipes have been handed down from great-grandmothers to grandmothers to mothers, and passed between friends and family.
Our collection of cake recipes are the favorites, the ones that are baked for special occasions and birthday parties or when a perfect rich treat is needed to end a great meal. From rich and delicious chocolate cake to spice laden carrot cake, you’ll find your favorite here.
Some have frosting recipes with them, others let you choose what type of topping you want for the cake, and others have recipes for different toppings. Each cake recipe is a completely different taste experience, and all are equally delectable. Nothing beats the smell of a cake being baked in the oven. Forget air fresheners, bake a cake for the perfect home scent!
You can serve any type of meal you want for dinner, but those with a sweet tooth will really be waiting for the masterstroke: dessert!
Dessert fads seem to come and go over the years but one type of dessert that seems to be a mainstay is cake. And, of course, this makes sense. Cake can come in any variety of flavors, come as a layer cake or a sheet cake. It can be decadent and sweet or more savory when served as a coffee or pumpkin cake.
Cakes can be store bought or you can buy a box of batter in the supermarket, but a homemade cake will always shine. Not only is a homemade cake delicious, you can add any ingredients you want to make for a dessert that is unique and delectable. Cakes are also perfect for parties as they can be thematically decorated to suit any occasion.
If you need a cake for a special occasion and are thinking of baking one yourself, Moms Who Think have several cake recipes you can choose from. There are chocolate cakes, funnel cakes, pound cakes, bundt cakes and more. Each recipe has clear directions of exactly what ingredients you will need and how to prepare them to guarantee you will get perfect results each time.
Cakes are delectable treats that can make any event memorable. Use our unique recipes to create a dessert that is sure to wow your guests….and remember to save a slice for me!