

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names


Bulgarian Baby Names for Boys

Bulgarian Baby Names for boys

Bulgarian Baby Names for Boys

From Kamen to Atanas to Todor, there is no end to masculine options of Bulgarian baby names for boys. Take a look at this list and find the perfect-sounding one for your son, get the meaning behind it and more. Take a look!

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  • Atanas Atanas is a Bulgarian boy's name and one that has been around for quite some time. Fittingly, the name happens to mean “immortal one.”
  • Boyan Boyan is a Bulgarian boy's name that feels right at home among combative types. The name means “warrior” or “fighter.”
  • Doncho Doncho is a Bulgarian boy's name and is most commonly found among firstborns. The name means “priceless.”
  • Grozdan Grozdan is a Bulgarian boy's name with some meat to its bones and one ill-suited to the shy. The name can mean either “a shining man of strength” or “a shining star.”
  • Ilarion Ilarion is a joyous Bulgarian name for boys. As a name, it means “happy” and is derived from a variant of “hilarious.”
  • Iordan Iordan is a prestigious Bulgarian boy's name. Considering the name's meaning is “descendant,” parents can use father's first name as the child's middle name. The name should be pronounced like the name “Jordan,” but replace the J for a Y.
  • Kamen Kamen is a Bulgarian boy's name that has lingered like the mountains. The name itself means “stone.”
  • Krasimir Krasimir is the sort of Bulgarian boy's name parents might think of after a traumatic nine months. The name means “the beautiful peace” and can be something his parents remind themselves of during the first few months of child-rearing.
  • Krastio Krastio, or Krastyo, is a Bulgarian boy's name for those of the Christian faith. This name means “cross,” as in the symbol of Christianity, not the mood.
  • Lyubomir Lyubomir is the sort of Bulgarian boy's name that fits kind children. This name means “loving world.”
  • Nikifor Nikifor is the perfect Bulgarian name for a boy who seems destined for success. This name actually happens to mean “victory-bringer.”
  • Nikolay Nikolay is a great Bulgarian name for any boy who might go far in politics. The name's meaning is “the triumph of the public.”
  • Radoslav Radoslav is the sort of Bulgarian name given to a boy who is bound for glory. The name means “glorious work” or “eager glory,”ensuring that the child will always be looking out for ways to gain even more esteem.
  • Spas Spas is a short Bulgarian boy's name but not one likely to be forgotten. The meaning of Spas is “saved.” It should be pronounced “Spahs.”
  • Stoyan Stoyan is a measured Bulgarian boy's name that should hopefully grace a son with a balanced viewpoint. The name means “he who stands firmly” and will hopefully help the child hold firm to his believes without veering into stubbornness.
  • Tihomir Tihomir is the sort of Bulgarian name you would give to a cautious or contented boy. The name means either “quiet peace” or “peace and quiet.”
  • Todor Todor is a Bulgarian boy's name awarded by truly joyous parents. The name's meaning is “pleasant gift from God.”
  • Valko Valko is a Bulgarian boy's name perfectly suited to pet lovers or parents with an appreciation for lupines. The name comes from the Bulgarian word for “wolf.” Given that wolves are incredibly social creatures who do poorly on their own, this can be a great name to encourage kids how to cooperate to achieve a goal.
  • Velyo Velyo is a Bulgarian boy's name that is probably a poor fit for a humble child. This name means “greatness.”
  • Veselin Veselin is a Bulgarian boy's name for joyful children. The name means “cheerful and happy soul.”
  • Vladislav Vladislav is one of the most well-known Bulgarian boy's names. Fittingly, the name means “glorious ruler.”
  • Yavor Yavor is yet another Bulgarian boy's name connected to forestry. In this case, we have a name that happens to mean “maple tree,” possibly making it the perfect name for a boy born to Canadian and Bulgarian parents.
  • Yordan Yordan is a Bulgarian boy's name with some depth to it. The name means “descent” or “flow down” and might be chosen in the hope that troubles wash off the child's back like how water does not linger on a duck's body. It might also work if you want to raise a poet or other writer and encourage introspection.
  • Zdravko Zdravko is a Bulgarian boy's name for those wanting a child who rarely falls sick. The name means “healthy” and is pronounced “Zuh-drahv-ko.”
  • Zhelyazko Zhelyazko is an enduring and well-tempered boy's name from Bulgaria. The name means “iron.”

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