

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names


Boy Names That Mean Wild

Boy Names That Mean Wild

Boy Names That Mean Wild
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Boy Names That Mean Wild

Boy Names That Mean Wild

If you're looking for an exciting and unique baby name for your son, this list of boy names that mean wild delivers! Explore these names — complete with origin and meaning — and find the most delightful name for your little one. Take a look!

RELATED: More Baby Names That Mean Wild

  • Aran – Aran is a Hebraic name for the wild-hearted boy coming into your world. The exact meaning of this name is "wild goat."
  • Aucaman - Aucaman is a Mapuche boy's name of the wild. The exact meaning of this name is "wild condor."
  • Averil – Averil is an English boy's name of the wilds. Its particular meaning is "wild boar."
  • Babunaj – Babunaj is a wild-roaming Indian boy's name. Its unique meaning is "wild ivy."
  • Bram – Bram is a wild Dutch name for boys. It means "wild goose" and is a shortening of Abraham.
  • Denzel – Denzel is a feral Cornish name for boys. It means "from the high, wild stronghold."
  • Desierto – Desierto is an untethered Latin name for boys. It means "wild."
  • Divoky - Divoky is a rabid Czech name for boys. Its exact meaning is "wild and fierce."
  • Ebbe - Ebbe is a wild name for boys that hails from the Nordic countries. It is one of several names from this area that translates as "wild boar.
  • Esbern - Esbern is yet another wild and Nordic name for boys. Its particular meaning is "wild boar."
  • Everard - Everard is a rare and savage boy's name from England. This name breaks down into two Germanic components that come together to mean "the wild and brave boar."
  • Everett - Everett is an English boy's name derived from the wilderness. This particular name means "brave as a wild boar."
  • Everton - Everton is a downright feral English name for boys. Its exact meaning is "settlement of the wild boar."
  • Jaala – Jaala is a Hebraic boy's name of the wilds. While this name means "wild goat," it also happens to be the name of one of King Solomon's servants in the Old Testament.
  • Laukinis - Laukinis is a frothing boy's name from Lithuania. The particular meaning of this name is "natural and wild."
  • Lugalbanda – Lugalbanda is a wild Sumerian boy's name. This one name can mean "fierce," king," "wild" and "young."
  • Olinto - Olinto is a naturalistic boy's name from Italy. Its specific meaning is "wild fig."
  • Ramsey - Ramsey is an Old English boy's name that is right at home in the wilderness. This particular name is actually a place name that means "island of wild garlic."
  • Selvaggio - Selvaggio is an Italian boy's name with an untamed spirit. The unique meaning of this name is simply "wild" or "savage."
  • Susano-o - Susano-o is a Japanese name that might perfectly suit a wild boy. Susano-o is the Japanese deity of storms and seas and is known for his heroism and impetuousness; his very name means "wild or impetuous male."
  • Sverre - Sverre is a wild Dutch boy's name. It literally just means "wild."
  • Terach - Terach is a hedonistic and Hebraic boy's name. This name can either mean "wild goat" or "silly old fool."
  • Vadon - Vadon is a Hungarian boy's name of the untamed and burgeoning wilderness. This name's particular meaning translates to "wilderness and wild."
  • Wilbur - Wilbur is an English boy's name attuned to the uncivilized world. This name is derived from the Middle English phrase "wild boar." Wilbur was also the name of the pig in "Charlotte's Web."
  • Yasaeng - Yasaeng is a rowdy Korean boy's name. Its exact meaning is "wild." The name should be pronounces "yah-sah-eng."

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