

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names


Boy Names That Mean Sunset

Boy Names That Mean Sunset

Boy Names That Mean Sunset
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Boy Names That Mean Sunset

Boy Names That Mean Sunset

This list of boy names that man sunset is filled with a wide variety of handsome options. Explore the list, complete with meanings and origins for each name, to determine which name works best for your little one.

RELATED: More Baby Names That Mean Sunset

  • Suyasta - Suyasta means "sunset" in Nepali. It is a unique name for boys that you will not hear often in the U.S.
  • Arrats - The name Arrats is a name for boys that means "early evening, dusk." It has a Basque origin.
  • Lalil - The boy's name Lalil means "evening sun flow." The name has Indian origin.
  • Tynan - This unusual name for boys means "night." The name has two syllables and is of Irish origin.
  • Yoi - A name of Hebrew origin, Yoi means "born in the evening." This name is most commonly used to name girls but is sometimes a name given to boys.
  • Erebos - A name of Hebrew origin, Erebos means "sunset, evening."
  • Levant - This name for boys is popular in Turkey. The name means "a splendid sunset or rising sun."
  • Anatoli - Anatoli is a boy's name that sounds modern and fun. It means "sunset" and has Russian origin.
  • Vikal - Meaning "twilight, evening, close of the day," Vikal has Hindu origin. It's a great alternative to the very popular boy's name, Michael.
  • Gau - The name Gau for boys means "night." It has a Basque origin.
  • Riluo - Choose this name for a boy's name that is original and fun to say. This is the Chinese word for "sunset."
  • Aferdeta - Aferdeta is a name of African origin. This name means "sunset."
  • Horus - A traditional, old-fashioned name for boys, Horus means "sun god" and was the name of an Egyptian sun god.
  • Sulien - This unique name for boys means "sun born." It has Welsh origin.
  • Eledoro - This Spanish name for boys means "Gloomy sunset." Boys named Eledoro are said to be creative and inspirational.
  • Vesper - The name Vesper is a mature, old-fashioned name for boys that means "born in the evening."
  • Lucrecio - This name for boys is creative and fun. You don't hear this name often in the U.S. Lucrecio means "twilight."
  • Zakat - Zakat is the Russian word for sunset. It is a good name choice for parents seeking a unique name.
  • Dosa - An Indian name for boys, Dosa has two syllables. The name means "twilight." Pick this name if you want something that is easy to spell and pronounce that is also original.
  • Hesper - The name Hesper is used most commonly as a girl's name but can also be used to name a boy. The name means "evening." It is a mature two-syllable name.
  • Sindooehi - This name for girls has Indian origin. It means "aura of sunset."
  • Yureni - An Indian name meaning "sunset" for boys, Yureni is a fun, unusual name for a new bundle of joy.
  • Nichibotsu - The name Nichibotsu is unheard of in the U.S. It is the Japanese word for "sunset" and a great name option for a little boy.
  • Solnedgang - An unusual name for boys, Solnedgang means "sunset" in Norwegian. Choose this name if you want a name that is fun and unique.
  • Sunsubiro - This name for boys is enlightening and fun. It means "sunset" in Esperanto.

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