

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names


Boy Names That Mean Illusion

Boy Names That Mean Illusion

Boy Names That Mean Illusion
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Boy Names That Mean Illusion

Boy Names That Mean Illusion

From Mage, which means magician, to Loki, who is the god of mischief, each of these boy names that mean illusion are one-of-a-kind. Peruse the options, complete with meaning and origin, to find the best name for your little boy.

RELATED: More Baby Names That Mean Illusion

  • Loki - Everyone knows this one. Hailing from Norse mythology, Loki is the trickster god of mischief, and illusions are an everyday part of his magic.
  • Rowan - Rowan means "of the rowan tree," which is a tree that has many mystic properties in Celtic legends. Its mountain ash, for example, is said to make dreams come true.
  • Emlyn - Though it looks feminine, Emlyn is a Welsh name for boys that means "charming" or "flattering." It has a magical mood with illusionary properties.
  • Gaines - Deriving from the French word engaine meaning "ingenuity" or "trickery," this is a name for a clever, crafty boy who can always find his way out of trouble.
  • Puck - Another well-known trickster, Puck is from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. He's a fairy, jester, and all-around troublemaker. Another version of his name is Robin Goodfellow.
  • Mage - Meaning "magician" or "sorcerer," this is a name for someone who can really cast a spell over others. It's also similar enough to names like Gage that it won't be too unusual.
  • Renard - Renard is a French name that means "fox," and in many cultures, foxes are known as mischievous spirits who like to play tricks through games and illusions.
  • Velho - Though it has other meanings in other languages, Velho means "wizard" in Finnish. Another variation is Vaino.
  • Ranjit - Ranjit is a boy's name from Sanskrit that means "charming" or "beguiling," which are exactly the traits that he'll need to mesmerize others and take the world by storm.
  • Joseph - While it literally means "God will increase" in Hebrew, Joseph is also the name of one of the most prominent dreamers and vision-receivers in the Bible. It's strongly connected to divinity and spirituality.
  • Druj - With mythological ties to everything from Hindu gods to Zoroastrian folk tales, Druj is a fun and unusual baby name that translates to "liar," "deceiver," or "falsehood."
  • Coel - Coel is a unique baby names from Wales. Meaning "belief," you can use it to refer to the suspension of disbelief required for illusions.
  • David - This is a rather plain name, but it doesn't get more magical than David Copperfield!
  • Maximon - Maximon was a saint and deity in the ancient Mayan culture. Many of his stories involved disguises and illusions so that he could walk among mortals.
  • Anansi - As long as you don't mind naming your son after a spider, Anansi is a famous West African trickster god that often takes the form of the eight-legged.
  • Kilo - The exact origins of Kilo have been lost to time, but most agree that it means something akin to "dreamer," "daydreamer," or even "one who observes the stars." It has a celestial feeling along with its imaginative meaning.
  • Gwydion - Pronounced GWID-yon, this is a name from Welsh mythology. Gwydion was a magician who once made a woman out of flowers to become his nephew's bride.
  • Dolion - Dolion is a boy's name that comes from two Greek words: dolios ("crafty, treacherous, deceitful") and dolioo ("to lure, to use deceit").
  • Bran - Meaning "raven" in its original Welsh, Bran is a name that's more symbolic than literal, but it could still be excellent for illusionists.
  • Almos - Though it looks like Amos, this name is actually derived from the Hungarian word alom meaning "dream." It could be a meaningful name if you've been dreaming of a son.
  • Jareth - The name of the goblin king in Labyrinth, Jareth is a powerful figure capable of many illusions, including visions, dreams, and transformations.
  • Cluanach - Cluanach is a traditional name in Ireland that means "deceitful," but rather than being a negative name, it's associated with charming rogues and ne'er do wells.
  • Merlin - Merlin is one of the most famous wizards of all time. As a bonus, it's a much more common name than something like Dumbledore or Gandalf.
  • Przemyslaw - Przemyslaw is a traditional name in Poland, so if you want to honor your Polish heritage, this could be a good name for it. It means "clever" or "tricky."
  • Kit - Kit is the name for a baby fox, so if you're thinking about fox mythology for your son, it could be a cute yet meaningful choice. The name can also be used for daughters!

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